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Lance's POV

I took my hand away from Keith's eyes, as he stared in awe at the place before him.

"Have you ever been to a carnival?" I asked.

"When I was younger... With my Dads." He smiled.

I smiled and was surprised when he spun around and hugged me.

"Thank you..." He whispered, his face buried in my chest.

I only nodded and played with his hair with one of my hands. He pulled away with a huge smile on his face that made me laugh. "Come on!" He  exclaimed, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the entrance.

We walked side by side down the boardwalk, Keith looking around in awe. "What do you want to do first?" I asked.

He pointed towards the bumper cars tugging the sleeve of my sweater and pulled me towards them.

I laughed as he ran like a younger child would to get into a bumper car. He got into a red one and I got into a blue one. Many other people were in cars around us, but I was focused on Keith and Keith alone.

The bell rang and I went straight for him, I heard him laugh as he ran into other cars. Our cars ran into each other head on. "Fancy seeing you here." I chuckled.

Not a second later another car rammed into mine. It was a boy with a blonde fringe and clear peach skin, his eyes were sky blue and he was wearing a black t-shirt that showed off his lankiness.

He took my place in front of Keith and they started talking, Keith was laughing at whatever he said.

I groaned as other people crashed into me pushing me farther from Keith and the mystery boy.

I growled in annoyance as people left the two of them alone and they talked. I made my way through people and crashed into the boys car sending him sliding away from Keith.

"Hey! We were talking." Keith exclaimed.

I groaned and the bell rang as the cars stopped moving, Keith got out of car and walked over to the boy.

The boy got out and they started talking. I went over to them as they were introducing themselves. "I'm Ryan." Said the boy.

"Keith." He replied with a smile.

They shook hands. "We should probably get out of here, the next people are waiting." I said, grabbing Keith's hand in mine.

I pulled on his arm and we starting walking, Ryan obviously didn't get the idea, as he followed us and continued to talk to Keith.

"This is Lance by the way." Keith explained as we walked.

"I know... I'd have to be pretty stupid to not know who prince Lance is." He chuckled.

I groaned, and Keith intertwined our fingers. "Your getting married in a few days right, Lance?" Ryan asked.

"Yes." I spoke through gritted teeth.

"Keith. I just thought I'd ask if you wanted to maybe get coffee with me later?" He asked.

"He can't. He's busy." I spoke, taking a side step from him, and pulling Keith with me.

"I was asking Keith." He said.

"Well, I'm speaking for him."

"Look, I was just asking him out for coffee... What are you busy with Keith?" He asked

"With me." I growled.

"Your dating Keith?" He laughed.

"Yes. Now kindly leave me and my boyfriend alone. Thank you." I spoke.

Marriage Fit For A King {Klance AU}Where stories live. Discover now