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Lance's POV

I walked the town, as people saw me they bowed and I just waved and smiled and continued my way. Being a royal was great and all, don't get me wrong, but I didn't exactly like the fact that wherever I went people found it necessary to bow down before me. I saw the small diner and walked towards it, before being stopped by a quite gorgeous girl. "Hello." I spoke. She had long white wavy hair and purple eyes with blue swirls in them, she was quite astounding.

"Prince Lance, my name is Allura."

"Allura... That's such a beautiful name. Goes with such a beautiful girl." I winked.

She blushed a bit, "T-thank you."

"Did you get an invite to my royal ball for tomorrow evening?"

"No, sadly."

"Well then," I reached into my pocket and grabbed a letter my mother gave me. I gave it to her, "Maybe I'll see you there." I smiled.

"Yes. T-Thank you, Lance." she smiled. I only nodded and walked to the diner from where I was. I looked back and waved at Allura, who only smiled at me and then down at the paper before running off. I shook my head and entered the diner. Walking inside, I went over and sat down at a table next to a large window that looked out the front of the diner.

That's when I saw him.

Hunk always tells me about his friend, Keith. I've seen him around town before, heck, Hunk even sent me a picture of the two of them. His pale skin, he had a black mullet, which I found adorable. I'm bisexual, always have been. My parents didn't know, and they were never going too. I looked back out the window has he walked over to me.

Keith's POV

Lance McClain. Prince Lance McClain. He sat at a table on my half of the Diner. The half of the Diner I waited on.

"Keith. Stop staring." I heard Shiro scold me. I jumped at the sound of his voice.

Pidge walked over to me, "He's on your side." She smiled.

"Can't you, do it? Just this once?" I begged.

"And miss on an opportunity for my ship? Nope. Get going. Plus, I saw him staring at you earlier." Pidge poked. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my pencil and notepad, and slowly made my way over to him.

"H-Hi." I croaked.

"Hello." He smiled, "Keith, right?"

I just nodded. He laughed a bit. "Do you know what you want...?"

"Just coffee, oh and those tarts Hunk talks about all the time."

"How do you know Hunk?"

"He's a friend. A pen pal." I nodded and walked off again. Grabbing a coffee cup and a plate, I placed a few tarts on the plate and filled the cup with coffee. I huffed and with my legs shaking I made my way over to the table. I tripped, before I could stop myself from falling.

Until I felt someone catch me, "You okay?" It was Lance, of course it was Lance, Pidge couldn't have caught me? I stood up from his arms and looked down at the spilt coffee and crushed tarts that littered the spot. I bent down to pick up the coffee cup and I'm guessing Lance was going to do just that because my hand ended up over top of his on the cup. I felt my face heat, and he stood up grabbing the cup. I grabbed the plate and picked up the crushed tarts, before taking the cup from Lance and scurrying off into the kitchen.

I walked in and Shiro gave me a look. "Can I just hide back here until he leaves?" Shiro smiled and shook his head, not a moment later Pidge walked in and dragged me out.

Marriage Fit For A King {Klance AU}Where stories live. Discover now