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Keith's POV

It was 5 to 10 and I was waiting outside in the garden for Lance. Some people had already started to leave, but I begged Shiro to let us stay until at least 10:30.

I sat on the wooden bench staring at the pond water that showed a reflection of the moon and stars. The water rippled in the slight winds that flew past me. I shivered.

"Cold?" Lance asked. I swear I could spot his voice out in a crowd.

I looked up as Lance walked over to me, carrying his sweater in his arm. He smiled, sitting next to me as he draped his sweater over my shoulders.

I pulled it tightly around myself, "Lance? Why do you think we were 'meant to be' or whatever." I asked.

"I don't know. We're polar opposites. I come from a rich family, you from a poor one. I'm royalty and you run a diner. Your stubborn and I'm outgoing. I'm a goofball and your serious... Opposites attract, right? Well I sure do find you attractive." He explained, his arm wrapping around my torso and pulling me closer to me even though he kept his eyes on the water.

"Right..." I chuckled.

I found myself staring at him as he turned and looked back at me, a red blush creeping up his face.

"Is there something on my face...?" He asked.

"No... Just..." I sighed. Carefully studying his cheeks. "You have freckles?" I asked.

He sighed. "I guess I didn't have time too cover them..."

"Cover them? What for? You are absolutely gorgeous and your freckles make it even better..." I giggled to myself like a school girl.

"You really think so..?"

"I mean obviously... Unless that's weird! Like, I don't mean to look at you so long that I noticed your freckles, or your cheek bones, or your dimples, have you noticed that you have a freckle that looks like a star right under your left eye? Or that when you smile wide enough, the dimples and these two freckles make a smile?" I babbled on about how I totally don't check him out every chance I get and proved the exact opposite.

He chuckled before taking his hand and running his fingers along my jawline, holding my cheek in his hand. He pulled my face closer too his and whispered, "You are the biggest dork I have ever met. It's honestly the cutest thing in the world."

He pushed his lips to mine and my eyes shut as I kissed him back, it was short and sweet and absolutely full of love and admiration.

"You wanna see what I look like in my glasses?" I asked.

He nodded in excitement and I moved away from him, taking my contacts holder out of my pocket. I took my contacts out before placing them in the box. Pulling out my glasses from that same pocket before putting the contacts box back in.

I unfolded them and put them one. They were nerdy as heck. Black thick rimmed, square glasses.

"That's the cutest thing I have ever seen..." he breathed as I looked at him.

"I don't like wearing them..."

"Why not?"

"I'm super self conscious about stuff like that."

"You look absolutely adorable." He gushed.

I laughed to myself and moved closer to him, snuggling into his side. He put his arm around my torso again and held onto me.

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