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Keith's POV

I was standing alone near the doors that went from the ball room to the garden. I was watching a certain girl dance with Lance. Allura.

God I hated her. Why? It's a long story... One that I'll have to explain to Lance probably at some point.

I watched the two of them waltz and talk. I watched them stop, his face was red and hers was a light pink.

I watched her lean in towards him, and before I knew it was happening. She kissed him. I could feel my blood boiling. I was royally pissed off.

Why did she have to ruin everything? Within seconds I went from being mad at Allura to being mad at Lance to being sad.

Why did I even feel this way? Lance and I have known each other for like 5 days. Yet, everything he does makes me smile.

His laugh, makes me laugh. His smile, makes me smile. When he holds my hand, or hugs me I can't help but feel... Safe.

I felt like I was going to cry. I don't cry. I never cry. Not in front of people. I have too many walls up to let people in, but there was something about him, something about Lance... That made me take my walls down, and let him in.

I looked up and saw Lance walking towards me. "Hey Keith-" he started.

I turned and walked into the garden. He followed. "Keith, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong? What's wrong! I don't know, why don't you ask Allura? Because you two seem awful close-"


"Why am I so dumb? Why you? You of all people! Your royalty and your perfect and every girl thinks your amazing. Have you seen Allura? She's absolutely gorgeous! Why would someone like you, choose someone like me, over her?-"


"You wouldn't. I saw you two kissing Lance. I'm not stupid!"

"Would you just-"

"No! Okay? I let my walls down and your breaking me-" before I knew it, I felt his lips crash into mine.

Warm met cold. Light met dark.

My arms wrapped around his shoulders and his were around my waist.

We pulled away from each other, but kept our embrace.

"You are so stubborn. You know that?" He asked, "What I was trying to tell you... Was that I don't like Allura. Not like I like you... Because in case you've forgotten, your I'm zing."

I felt my face heat up as he took his hand and placed it on my cheek, tucking my hair behind my ear and running his thumb across my cheek.

"I... I over reacted..."

"You really didn't. You saw a girl kissing your boyfriend-"


"Did I say boyfriend...?"

"Yes." I laughed. His hand dropped from my cheek and he placed his forehead on mine.

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