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Keith's POV

"And I may have accidentally told him my whole life story... but it's not my fault! He's just so easy to talk to, and he's a great listener..." I explained with a sigh.

"Failing too hard?" Hunk asked,

"Not hard enough too kill me." I laid my head on the cold white marble table, that Hunk and I were sitting at. I laid my head to the side. Pidge walked over with her messy hair and still wearing her PJs. Shiro gave us the day off as we had stayed up late at the ball.

"Mornin'." Pidge yawned.

"Mornin', want some coffee?" Hunk asked.

"Yes, Please." Pidge replied. Hunk got up and walked off, Pidge sat down across from me. "So, how was your night with the Prince?" Pidge asked. I groaned in annoyance from the question. I heard Pidge give a small chuckle.

"I mean, he's soooo dreamy..." I heard Allura giggle from across the room. I scoffed and rolled my eyes, sitting up in my seat. Hunk and Allura came walking over, Hunk holding a mug of coffee for Pidge in his hands.

"Thank you..." Pidge sighed taking the steaming mug into her pale hands. Hunk nodded and him and Allura pulled up chairs and sat beside me and Pidge.

"Have you met the Prince yet Pidge?" Allura asked.

"No... Actually I haven't yet." Pidge replied.

"Lance is a great guy, he's really caring once you get to know him." Hunk joined in.

"How do you know him, Hunk?" Allura asked.

"Oh. We go way back, my family being rich and all, we've been invited to their balls and dinners ever since I can remember." Hunk explained.

"Oh... What do you think of the Prince Keith?" Allura asked.

"Well- I- uhhh- H-He's pretty nice..." I stuttered, my face going red.

"Keith has the hots for the prince." Pidge said taking another sip of her coffee.

"No! I don't! Ugh!" I yelled, standing up from my chair, I pushed away from the table and grabbed my jacket, putting on my boots.

"Where are you going?" Hunk asked.

"Out." I said coldly, pushing the door open and walking out letting it close behind me. I went to the woods on the edge of town, most people didn't go in here so not many people knew of my hiding spot. I soon reached the glistening water. Trees and grass surrounded the quite large pond. There was a large rock just on the edge of the water that I liked too sit on and watch the water. I walked over to the rock and sat on the edge, bringing my knees to the chest and watching the water. I sighed, I don't like Lance... I can't like him.. "Stupid!" I shouted. Swinging my legs over the edge of the rock.

"I'm not that stupid." I heard a voice chuckle from behind me.

I spun around and who I saw not only shocked me, but confused me.

"Lance..?" I asked.

"The one and only." He smirked, climbing up the rock and sitting next to me.

"Shouldn't you be in your castle getting ready for tonight?"

"I snuck out, I do it all the time. I needed a breather." He smiled, looking down at the water.

"I could only imagine what it's like to have the world handed to you on a silver platter..." I said, mostly to myself.

"Being royalty isn't all fun and games. Your parents expect the best of you, you have to act all proper and can't goof around, you can't get dirty, there's like 100 different rules and regulations you have too follow... At least you get too live a normal life."

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