The Real Fight Begins

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Heroes of Townsville: Chapter 31

"We need to block his exit by any means necessary."

Those were the last words spoken by Buttercup before catastrophe happened. Now she lies down on the red ground of the underworld, her body being bloody, tired, and hopeless. Her comrades were doing no better than she was.

"Well, this escalated quickly.", Buttercup silently whispered as she looked at what was going on around her. To her left, she saw Bubbles who leaned on a wall unconcious. To her right, she saw Blossom in a pool of her own blood. Brick was also there trying to keep Blossom alive. Buttercup then looked above her as she saw Boomer thrown by Him, and crashed on the ground. She then silently shed a tear as she saw Butch still trying his hardest to keep upright and fight while his body is all bloody and broken.

"If he's not giving up, then neither am I.", Buttercup said as she groaned and propped up her body with her hammer. "I need to do this. I'm no quitter."

Motivated to fight, she regained most of her strength and ran towards Him. When she got close enough, she power jumped and swung her hammer, green projectiles flew from it and hit the back of Him's knees, causing him to fall on his back. Butch was surprised as his giant opponent fell. He then saw Buttercup there, she was helping him. Butch's lips curved into a small smile as he felt relieved and glad that Buttercup's alright. Once Him hit the ground, Butch immediately played a certain tune on his flute, causing Him to be restrained to the ground. He played his final note, keeping Him restrained. He quickly ran towards Buttercup and hugged her, to which Buttercup responded with a light punch to the gut immediately followed by a hug.

"Hey, I'm really glad you're okay, I still have a lot planned for when we get this over with.", Butch whispered to her ear.

"Oh really?", Buttercup sobbed, her tears flowing down her cheecks and on to Butch's vest.

"Yeah, but you should promise me one thing first.", Butch said. "Promise me that you'll be my girlfriend after all this."

Buttercup blushed lightly, and grinned. Butch certainly felt butterflies in his stomach as he saw Buttercup's beautiful smile.

"Well, you know what? I guess I already am.", Buttercup said as her blush grew brighter. She then kissed Butch lightly on the cheek, to which Butch was caught by surprise. "Now let's go kick Him's butt."

"We can't beat him just yet, remember, we're just stalling until the anti particle gets to us, then we can beat Him.", Butch reminded.

"Got it.", Buttercup nodded. She flew above Him, who was trying very hard to get out of the flute's hold.

"Set me free!" Him said in a thundering voice. The temperature got higher and higher as Him's temper rose.

"Oh boy.", Butch thought as he played his flute again to try and restrain Him further, but it seems to be harder now. Buttercup swings her hammer whenever Him would try to rise up, which only made the devil angrier.

Suddenly, Butch's little robot lit up. Butch noticed this and immediately knew that the anti particle is recieved.

"Buttercup!", Butch yelled as he threw his Dynamo robot towards her. Buttercup caught it and popped it open, but as soon as Butch stopped his flute, Him broke free and immediately grabbed Butch, squeezing him tightly in his claw as it slowly tore through Butch's skin.

"You boys are a dissapointment!", Him said loudly and yelled the last word to emphasize it. Out of anger, he threw Butch away, sending him flying towards the ground in a tremendous speed. Butch's crash created a large crater.

Buttercup saw that Butch had three fatal wounds, just like those she had in her dream earlier. She saw him move his mouth, saying something, but she couldn't figure out what. She felt her heart break as Butch seemingly succumb to his wounds. Anger flowed through her, and before Him even returned to his initial position from throwing Butch, Buttercup cried and immediately threw the vial of anti particle at Him.

"What have you done?!" Him questioned as the anti particles slowly ate him away. He then vanished, no trace of Him was left.

"I guess I just defeated you.", Buttercup said flatly, while tears are still flowing down from her sad green eyes. She quickly went towards Butch's unconcious body and sat there, as she cried her eyes out from her loss. She looked around and saw a few of her friends semi concious.

"Huh, in that dream I had earlier, I think I was seeing through Butch's eyes. To think that I had seen that this would happen, and I just ignored it.", Buttercup thought. Feeling exhausted, she lied down next to Butch's body, and held his hand. "Welp, I guess we did it. We defeated Him. Now what?"

"Let's go home.", Bubbles said in a calm tone. She helped Buttercup up as Boomer carried Butch's body on his back, Brick carrying Blossom on his, and they flew back to the City of New Townsville.

To be continued...

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