De Javu part 2

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Heroes of Townsville: Chapter 16

I leaned in to Brick and closed my eyes and got ready for the kiss. I took a small breath to get ready when our lips were only centimeters away. Then we....


What in the world was that?!

(Back to the real world)

"Ah! What in the name of Jhonny Cosmo was that?!" I screamed when I suddenly shot out of bed.

"Haha! Scared ya didn't I?" Kuriko said while laughing and pointing at me.

"I was surprised!" I yelled at her.

"Well you don't have to yell!" she yelled back. (Yup, we're very much alike, hehe ^_^")

"Aww, and I was having a good dream!" I whined then continued "I was only centimeters away from his," I mumbled while blushing.

"Whatever you said in the last part, it doesn't matter. You should have slept earlier last night if you were having a good dream," Kuriko said talking like a mother.

"Did I know I was going to have a good dream?" I crossed my arms.

"You should thank me you know. If I hadn't disrupted your slumber then you'd be late for school," Kuriko said.

"Wow, big words," I said while rolling my eyes.

"What? I like using what I learn," Kuriko said proudly.

(Kuriko's P.O.V.)

Yup! I used big words. Now Ken-kun will finally be interested in me! Like this scenario:

Ken: Wow Kuriko, you're so smart! Will you be my girlfriend?

Me (Kuriko): Of course I am! That's why I will say sure! I'll be your girlfriend!

Ken: Yes! Thank you Kuriko! Imagine how smart our children will be.

Me: *giggles* Oh, Ken.

And we will live happily ever after from then on.

(Momoko's P.O.V.)

"Why in the world are you gigglin?" I asked with curiosity.

"N-no I wasn't!" she said defensively. "Now go and take a shower, breakfast will be ready soon."

"Yes mom," I said as I got off the bed lazily and walked to the shower.

Kuriko rolled her eyes and she walked out of my room.

I walked in the shower and you know, took a shower. When I finished taking a shower, I wore my clothes, blow dried my hair, brushed it down and put it in my regular style; a high ponytail with my red hair bow.

When I was finished, I ran down to the dining room and greeted my parents good morning. I sat down and started eating my breakfast, a slice of strawberry shortcake. Yup, I eat cake for breakfast. My parents know me so well.

"How's your morning so far dear?" mom asked me.

"Meh, not so fun," I said while eating my cake.

"Well then, I hope you'll have a nice day," mom said not taking full attention.

"I hope so too," I sighed and took a last bite from my cake. "I'm going to school now, bye!"

I walked out the house and when I turned I saw Bri- I mean Momotaro waiting at the sidewalk in front of my house. As soon as I saw him I remembered my dream, you know, my real dream, not the one where I'm speaking with HIM's apprentice or whatever. I instantly blushed at the memory.

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