It's the Underworld!

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Heroes of Townsville: Chapter 25

"What do you boys want to know?"

They were silent. They didn't know what exactly they want after all, all they know is that they want to save the girls and they want to do it now. The three boys pondered for a while, until lots of questions overflowed their minds, especially Butch.

"What does Kaoru mean when she said they knew this would happen? Did HIM contact them before? Why wouldn't they tell us? Does the professor know where they are now? A-are they... alive?" All of these thoughts and lots more flooded Butch's mind. He looked down from the window sill as his bangs shadowed over his face. Brick noticed this and thought of what exactly they want to know.

"We want you to tell us about everything there is to know," Brick said sternly. Butch looked up at his brother. The professor sighed.

"Very well, but please, get out of the window, it's making me uncomfortable seeing you boys ruining my window further," they professor said as he sweat dropped.

"Ugh, fine," Brick said as he lazily flew down to the professor. His brothers followed by jumping down from the window.

"Alright, I'll tell you everything," the professor breathed in deeply as he gestured the boys to come over to the couch infront of the computer.

The boys sat down on the couch while the professor stood in front of them.

"Ugh, I don't want to hear this again. I'm going to my room, come on, Poochie," Ken said and walked up to his room.

"Alright," the professor sighed, "Ken didn't take it too well when I told him earlier about what's really happening."

"Stop stalling," Butch said getting impatient.

The professor took a deep breath as he prepared to tell the boys a long story.

"It was the day after HIM contacted you boys, the one when you got a huge headache all of a sudden," he started, "The girls told me about a dream with HIM in it. They each told about some pretty disturbing things HIM said in their dreams."

Butch was listening intently, resting his head on his arm with his forehead scrunched up with thoughts he would like to ignore, he focused on everything that the professor would say deeming it important. The professor felt sort of strained and at the same time intimidated by the serious gaze from Butch plus two other pairs of eyes focused on him, waiting for an answer. The professor froze up, he hadn't felt so intimidated by younger people all his life. The professor was sweating, he was beginning to feel the boys' auras brewing and growing stronger with intent and dertermination, especially Butch, the other two boys kept themselves controlled. The professor eased up as he took a deep breath once again.

"Long story short, HIM contacted the girls in a dream, he warned them about how he's going to use all of the villains here on Earth when he reaches the surface. The girls went down there to defeat and stop him from getting to the surface once and for all," the professor explained.

"Down where?" Butch asked almost immediately.

The professor sighed, "Ugh, I can't believe that I'm going to hear this from myself, but... they went to the so called... The Underworld."

Their eyes widened at the mention of the underworld, not because of the mere mention of it, but because professor Utonium, a scientist, seems like he actually believes that the underworld actually exists.

"I know, when the girls mentioned the underworld, I instantly thought it was dubious," the professor said.

"Well, duh, it's the underworld, obviously it's going to be devious," Boomer suddenly said in a matter of factly tone.

"It's dubious! Dubious! Not devious!" Brick snapped.

"Noob," Butch muttered, "way to ruin the serious moment."

"I was just kidding, geez," Boomer crossed his arms.

The professor sweat dropped but then made his serious face again and asked, "What are you boys going to do now?"

"We're going to the underworld, defeat HIM, save the girls, then the world is safe, that easy," Brick said standing up.

"Uhh, do you even know how to get there?" the professor asked.

"Whatever, we'll know how to get there as we go," Butch shrugged. The boys flew but just after they got off the ground, Brick was held back by something.

"Wait!" the professor yelled. The boys looked back and saw that the professor was hanging off the ground by Brick's ankles. He was so dizzy that you could see spirals in his eyes, but he still held on tight. The boys groaned and Brick set the professor lying down on the floor. Then Brick groaned, "What now?"

"I-I... think I can... h-help you find... the..." the professor said faintly as his eyes closed.

"Oh geez, speak up, we're not in your stupid drama class," Butch said rudely.

The professor sat up annoyed and said, "Can't you boys just play along? Ugh, I said that I think I can help you to find the underworld."



"Ohoho! You're no match for me! You picked the wrong place to pick a fight with me. I'm at my full power here! You can't stop me," a really tall, dark being laughed as three much smaller figures struggled to get up in front of him. They were very badly wounded. One of them tried to prop herself up with her huge hammer. Once she was standing upright, her green eyes glared at the tall, red creature.

"I still haven't told him my answer and I'm not going to let you stall that any further. Just butt out of my life already!" she yelled as she charged toward the creature with her hammer getting ready to hit the creature.

"You talk too much," the creature said as he clamped his claws, then there was darkness.

"This is the underworld."

To be continued...

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