Chapter 17

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After school jose text me and told me that he wanted to hang after school to talk about the whole rebecca situation.So jose came through to my pad.

''Foo so you with rebecca again?''

''I Guess so''

''What you mean you guess so''

''Well me and janessa had a fight after the whole drunk situation and after the fight rebecca called me and i went over to her house and we fucked. After that i hit up janessa and made up her so now im with both of them but i just wanna be wit janessa foo.''

''Dam foo i dont know what to tell you but i think you need to set things straight and tell janessa what happend or else its gonna bite you in da ass''

''Ya true but for now i think i should see how it goes its not like they go to the same skoo they aint gonna find out you feel me''

''Ya i guess you right well im gonna go meet up with yesina ill hit you up later''

''Ight late''

Janessa POV

So i decided not to go to school becuase i just didnt feel like it so instead i went to get my nails done and andrew hadnt kalled or text me but im glad we fixed everything last night.

Andrew POV.

Ring Ring


''Hey baby''

''What up''

''You wanna come over''

''Na ma not today''

''Ight whatever then late''


''What Wrong bro?''

''Nothin its just rebecca buggin again''

''What you mean?I thought you guys were through''

''Ya we where but i fucked up and got back with her''

''Foo you did fuck up''

''I noe I noe i did''

''Can i give you my honest opinon''


''I think you should just stop fuckin with rebecca she aint nothin burt a hoodrat and janessa is diffrent she a keeper foo''

''Man i noe she is but like i told jose they aint gonna noe that im with both of them right''

''Ya but rebecca already giving you problems and makein you stress''

"Ya i noe but i got alot to think about im gona meet up with janessa"


"Ring Ring"


"Hey babe what you doing?"

"Nothin just got my nails done what about you""

"Nothin just chillin at home I was wondering if you wanted to meet up?''

''Yea sure where you wanna meet?''

''Umm lets meet downtown and go walk or something''

''Alright ill be there in 15 minutes''

Andrew POV

So i got up and changed into some jeans and a black tee with my jordans janessa bought me.

''Ey bro''

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