chapter 2

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Janessa POV.

Girl lets go back inside they gonna think we left or somthin ya haha girl lets go.Janessa you should dance with him foo just have fun i dont know yesina. whats the worst that can happen yea he might get touchy but thats it just tell him to back off yea your right okay i will only one dance though okay okay haha.

Andrew POV.

Whats takein them so long i dont know man maybe they left haha nah they couldnt nah nah haha ay ay andrew aint that rebecca over there what shut up foo dont play did she see us na she too busy with that one guy fool the girls are back act nautral chill.

I thought you guys had left nah we just had a little trouble finding her phone ya sure we did uhuh it got awakard kuz we wasnt talkin but all of a sudden must be nice by lyfe a jennings came on and jumped up and asked him to dance you like this song yes why kum on we kan talk on the dance floor ight ma so why cant you belive i like this song huh na i was just sayin that sure watever i was fo real so why doesnt a girl pretty as you dont got a man who said i didnt well i assumed you didt since you came here wit your girl and you dancein with me o yea hah i knew that well yea i dont got a man i just havnt found the one so wheres your girlfriend at i dont got one well i did but we broke up about 2 weekes ago damm im sorry its koo i wasnt feelin it no more.You want somthin to drink yea sure

Andrew POV.

As i was makin my self through the crowd to get janessa somethin to drink i run into my x rebecca im thinking to myself o shit here come the drama.Andrew is that you yea what you doin here why didnt you tell me you was comeing why should i we aint together no more who you here wit wait let me guess Jose ya i am why no reason well i gota go get a drink for ummm for huh you seein some one else now ughh sumthin like that like that yea i gota go nice seein you though rebecca

Janessa POV.

Whats takein him so long maybe he found some other girl ughh who knows should i go get it myself nah ill just wait.

Hey sorry i took awhile i ran into some people my bad nah its koo i can i get your number so we can kik it someother time this week ummm yea sure ight fasho.Can you come with me outside to call my mom and tell her im ight yea sure lets go so this is the bitch you fukin wit now rebecca dont start na hold up who tha fuk you callin a bitch you why the fuk you wit my man rebecca i aint your man we have been through this already come on janessa lets go you need to control your little hoodrats andrew im sorry i didnt know she was gonna step to you we koo though yea we koo

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