wedding day?

397 14 0

Destiny's point of view

well I'm alive again. like last time I suppose it will take a while before the demons can find another battle area. the guys are at work and I'm sitting on the couch taking with my didn't make it.

"so now that you have a couple months what are you ganna do" my mom asked. "I don't know, I never really thought about it" I said running my hands threw my hair. "what's that" my mom said excitedly. "what's what" I asked looking around.

she grabbed my hand "this" she urged "how about a wedding". I had already forgot about the engagement rings. I smiled "why not".

I run over to the counter and grab Drakes phone. he never takes it to work cause he can since when I'm in danger. I unlock it and call Stacey. Drake doesn't know that I know the password.

Stacey: hey Drake, what up

me: sorry to disappoint you but it's just me

Stacey: I would have though he never calls me anymore (she says dramatically)

me : ha ha well I was calling to see if you wanted to come over

Stacey: okay what are you up to

me: wedding plans

Stacey: … I'll be right there

5 minutes later ding dong. I opened the door and see Stacey with a bunch of binders. she smiles and walks in. some of you may be wondering 'what the fuck' well after the first time dieing Stacey started hating me less. we aren't besties but we are friends.

"I brought the scrap book for all wedding plans" she says punching the air above her.

ever since then Stacey has been coming to my house secretly every day for the past month. we disagreed on a lot of things and I mean a lot but we worked it out.

right now it's time to tell the guys. "we're home" Jack shouted coming through the door way. "well I was thinking, I have a couple months till the next battle......... why can we have the wedding" I smile with the guys all sitting on the couch. they were shocked for a second then they started smiling.

then Stacey appeared out the ass and was like "my little brother is getting married". "ah where did Stacey come from" he panicked. we all shrugged.

it took another month but we got everything ready. I was in a strapless white chiffon ball gown. we decided the isle will be at the waterfall since I grew up there and the reception will be at the prairie since that's were Drake and Jack found out I was their mate.

as I walk down the isle my mom just finished explaining to the guys how hybrid marriages are done. you'll get it as I go on. I walk up to the front of the crowd. we had invited the pack Jack was in the blue moon pack. the whole vampire kingdom and lastly any body in Ben's family the only person I brought was my mother but I didn't let that ruin my day.

as far as traditions go we are supposed to say one disadvantage about our mate and then afterwards say 'but I love you non the less'. Ben went first "you are bossy..but I love you non the less". next was Drake "you are stubborn..but I love you non the less". and lastly was Jack "you are persistent...but I love you non the less".

my turn "you are over protective, you are annoying, and you are mean.... but I love y'all non the less"." if anybody objects speak now or forever hold your peace".  "I would love to object" I hear a familiar voice, but it can't be. I look up at the top of the waterfall and I was right.

"nice to see you again sis" Jonathan smiles jumping and landing on the ground making a small crater. "your supposed to be locked up in kyplodon" I say, no fear to show. "I got a little help from our big brother" he smiled. "I have another brother" I ask confused.

"so this is my little sister" someone says from behind me. I didn't turn around I wasn't stupid, I turned side ways. "good looker to" he responded and I blushed. he looked like a mixture of me and Jonathan. "don't look so bad yourself"I smiled. I here a growl I know it was Jack.

"what's your name" I ask. "Charlie"."okay Charlie, what business have you barging into my wedding" I ask him. "easy to kill you and become the chosen one" Jonathan responds. "bitch wasn't talking to you, and you guys can't both share the power so, you just plan on having us both here so you can kill us both and take the power".

that was it after everything sinks in Charlie will realize Jonathan just wants to kill us both and come to my side. Charlie  looks at Jonathan hurt. "that's not true" Jonathan yells. "you are younger than me right... so if you kill the ones older than me, the power will have no choice but to go down the line, strait to you".

I stand there thinking I'm the smart one that I didn't see Jonathan pull out his blade. I open my eyes just in time to see Jonathan plunge the blade through Charlie's chest."no" I run over to Charlie. but it was to late his pulse was already slowing in an unhealthy rate.

"sis" I hear him say weakly "do me a favor". "of course". "kick his ass" was the last thing he said before he went limp. "" it started out as a whisper and then it turned into a scream. an aura of purple light engulfed me. my demon side was at its most powerful.

my eyes turned red. my hair turned to fire. my nails grew long. my teeth grew sharp. a black pointed tail sprouted. and lastly demonic black wings sprouted with spikes all over. I put my hands together and left space in the middle. from the space a handle had formed and a blade of black fire had developed.

" you not only barge into my wedding uninvited but destroy the last sibling I had left" everything after the word but sounded demonic and coated with venom. I run towards him in a dead sprint and he appears on the side I was just on. "you missed" he smirked.

I just start chuckling. "why are you laughing" he asks curiously. I look up and show him my blade. the blade was covered, scratch that, drenched in his blood. then the fell apart......literally the blade had cut him in half.

"mom" I yell. she comes running over to me. "when we have Charlie's funeral can we barey him next to dad". my mother just smiled "sure". the guys came out from behind the waterfall. "I knew you could do it" Drake said. "the blades soul will carry his to the bounds of the underworld" I say, I cover my mouth with my hands. "sorry about that my demon wasn't on lock down just yet" I smiled.

the rest of the wedding was fine. I had to explain to everyone why I wasn't sad about killing my brother. the pack girls were happy to get to know me and the boys know they aren't supposed to flirt with me because Jack is the beta of the pack and could rip them to shreds, but that didn't stop them from giving me compliments.

the vampire kingdom liked that I was a vampire and things between me and Drakes family got fixed. the angels were kinda scared at first then they were being respectful and cool.

life was great too bad I would have to die.

I am so sorry I haven't updated in a while
I was being busy and lazy
...stop judging me
love you all

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