wrong choice?

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Destiny's point of view

I was back where I was the first time I died. the thin rope still tied to my waist. I just hope Ben read my letter and obeyed my plead to let me go.

I start to walk around I love the peaceful forest look it gives. but I can't help to notice that I've been here before. I walk down a familiar path and in front of me.....the waterfall.

it seems that death is a dreamy peaceful version of reality. I can help to try and see if I can find the guys. I run some more and come up upon the prairie were Jack and Drake found out I was their mate.

for a slit second I am there alone. then I see that I am caught in a 3rd person view of that memory. I guess death is all about remembering your past.

I run throughout the whole day watching my memories. but then

he sun starts to set a darkness falls upon the land but it didn't scare me. I walk into the darkness not expecting regret. at that exact moment all my bad memories come flooding back to me..........all at once.

I was having a overload along with a head ache. I run towards the guys house.

I run in and lock the door. some how the head ache stopped. and I was at peace. then I heard foot steps. I look up to see

God knows what I saw. I think when I walked into the darkness I stepped into a nightmare. everything was vise-versa. Jack was a vampire, Drake was a werewolf, and worst of all Ben..........was a demon.

I took a couple steps towards them and stopped, right in front of them. "pathetic weakling" was all I heard. I turned to face Ben's direction to be slapped. I fell back, I look up and see Ben still had his hand up from slapping me........with a smirk on his face.

what the fuck? my mate just hit me, he hit me. in what world have I landed in. I will not take this kind of abuse. I rage quit by getting up and punching the crap out of Ben. after he is on the floor I smirk......who is proud now. I look to see what the rest of the guys are doing.

I was about to turn when I was tackled full force to the ground. I used my demon powers to light myself on fire and because I am part Phoenix I can stand the heat without burning to death.

I heard a yelp and the weight that was on me was pulled off. I quickly stand up to see that I've burned Jack down his arm. it pained me to know that I hurt him but what other choice did I have!?

I shook my head, I can't believe it, I hit and hurt my mates, well not all of them. I hear a growl and I was scared but I turned around. Drake was a pure white wolf. never mind how cute he looked ,he looked pretty strong.

he ran towards me and I went on my back and with my feet launched him away from me. not 2 seconds later he collided with the wall, knocking him unconscious.

I was going to run away but something was keeping me still. I couldn't move forward. I looked down and found that the only thing holding me back was the thin rope tied around my waist.

my whole world came crashing down around me. the guys started to fade. the walls were falling like broken puzzle pieces. I look up to see that a part of the ceiling was crashing down on me.

I opened my eyes very slowly. I look around and see I'm at.........home, upstairs? last I've checked I was battling the guys downstairs.

I walk towards the door and turn the knob. it's locked. I bang on the door. I start to bang louder and louder. till the point that I get aggravated and brake down the door.

I look up to see the guys have stopped in their tracks looking shocked. they look terrible. the close look wrinkled, they have bags under their eyes, and their hair is messed up not neat like they usually keep it.

they stand there in shock then Drake and Jack turn their heads to Ben in angrily questioning expressions on their faces. "I didn't do anything" Ben says with his hands up in surrender.

"then how is she here" Drake asks not with an angry expression but with a questioning one. "because she didn't make the right choice" I hear a voice say and the guys turn around and I see that it's........my mom. since when did she come wake up from her coma?

"what do you mean" I ask, so many unanswered questions. "you picked to die but your own will, but since you came back you made the wrong choice" she explained with her head held high all proud of herself.

I look at her and notice Jack has something red on his skin. I walk over to him and roll up his sleeve. I see… burn marks. "what happen" I shudder. "I don't know it randomly appeared and started burning" he explained.

"this is my fault" I whisper. "what do you mean" he asked putting his index finger under my chin holding it up so I'm looking at him.

"when I was dead I walked around during night and I started to get a head ache. so I ran to the house and Drake was a werewolf you were a vampire and Ben was a......a.......demon" I hesitated but continued "then you guys attacked me and I punched Ben, burned you, and knocked Drake unconscious".

"so that's why" Ben said "it all makes since now". "what are you talking about" I ask curiously, I thought Ben had lost his mind. "while you were" he gulped "gone about an hour later Drake passed out, Jack got those burn marks and I got the feeling my face was hit by a train" .

I blushed at that part "by the way good hit" Ben winked at me.

so yeah she is alive
I hope you guys liked it
love you all

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