Day 25: Letter to someone you know who is going through the worst of times

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To my sweetheart, 

(Keep in mind that 'sweetheart' is not a romantic term in this situation,)

You are so strong.  I can't even believe it.  You are experiencing/have experienced things that I could never comprehend!  

You know, we have a pretty cool story.  If you really think about it, it's almost as if it was by design.  We "dated" one another for about a week in ninth grade, before dropping it completely. (*Cough* you cheated on me *Cough* for my best friend *Cough*.)  And then we didn't speak for almost two years.

Till about a year ago!

I don't remember exactly what happened, but we have Facebook to thank for it.  We contacted one another through the blessed social network, and from then on, we slowly grew closer.

You had it so hard... with your parents divorced, your mom always angry, your father telling you that your entire life is a sin, being bullied, and all your friends turning on you, you often told me that I was all you had.

On those nights that it got really bad, when you'd text me at around eleven at night, telling me that you didn't want to do it anymore, that you wanted to just end everything, I would stay up, talking you through it, until the wee hours of the morning.

And I was happy to.

There were a few times when you attempted to take your own life.  I remember one time in specific, just before November, when you texted me, telling me that you had just taken a large handful of pills and dumped them down your throat.

I have never been so terrified in my entire life.

I called 911, and the police came to your house.  You tried to stop me, but you couldn't.  They took you to the hospital, pumped your stomach, and sent you home.  And that was that.

I love you.  Not like a boyfriend.  But I never thought I'd ever be able to love someone so much!  And care about them so much.  I will always, ALWAYS be here for you.  I am closer to you than I am to almost anyone.

Your best friend,


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