Day 23: Letter to the last person you kissed

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Now, by "kissed", I'm pretty sure we're not talking about just doing it because we can.  If that was the case, this letter would be freaking dull.

The last girl I kissed, we just did it because we could.  No feeling, no romance, just two kids satisfying their hormones on a whim.  Not gonna say I'm proud of it, because I'd be lying.

As such, I will write this letter to the last girl I actually kissed.

So, yeah, basically, I've already written a few letters in this book to you.  Not like you actually read them, I know.  So these letters are more for me than for you.  

We kissed... umm... like, February?  First time, I remember it well.  Lying on a beanbag, watching "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure".  Awesome movie, right?  

I remember that you got pretty intense pretty fast.  Within less than a minute, your tongue was halfway down my throat.  In case you didn't know yet, that was the reason I pulled away so quickly.  You freaked me out!  I was literally scared!

But honestly, I couldn't get enough of you.

And just like that, we were practically together!  I think you finally figured out that excessive tongue really wasn't my thing.  I'm glad you did.  I couldn't stand it if you kept doing it.

So, here we are, three months later.  I remember that it was hardly a week after that when I figured out that you really didn't want to be together with me.  I kept seeing you with that kid... the one with the funny hair.  You sat close to him.  You held hands with him.  Yeah, I figured stuff out pretty quick.  "Don't assume anything," people always told me, but it's hard not to assume anything when I see it happening right in front of my eyes.

So, I got mad.  I dropped you, right then and there.  You said, "I can fix this.  I'll fix everything."  But you didn't.  In fact, now you're with him.  Like, together.  Full on.  

So, about a month after that, we reconnected.  Gosh, I missed you.  You're the first girl I've ever crawled back to.  It's just been kind of a crawl fest, hasn't it?  Our relationship?  First, you screw up, come crawling back, then I screw up, and crawl back.  The difference is that I took you back, but you're just friggin DONE with me.  What sucks the most is when I tell you how much I miss you, and you basically say, "Man, that sucks, I'm sorry."  Nope.  No more feelings for Tanner, right?  Cause Tanner screwed up.

You know, maybe I should stop giving people second chances.  They usually wouldn't do the same for me.

So here I am.  I'm sorry.

I've never been so angry at myself.

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