Day 9: Letter to someone you wish you could meet

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Dear someone out there,

There is no specific person that I can think of that I want to meet, but I know that there is someone out there who I wish I could meet.  Someone out there is going through something that I went through earlier in my life that made me strong, and there were times that I just wanted to give up and give in.  Accept that I just wasn't good enough.  And I know that someone out there is having those thoughts.

To that person, I would just like to say that YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH.  You are so much stronger than you give yourself credit for, and you can do anything.  Years from now, you will look back on these things that are happening in your life and think, "I'm so glad that happened to me."  Because you will be so amazingly strong!  You will be unafraid of anything that may come your way, because from these experiences, you know that you can overcome anything.  

I have confidence in you.


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