Unregistered Agenda

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"Unregistered user found. Prepare for termination!" I still had to blink and wonder; why? Why did good old Uncle Kano make a robot version of my lover? Perhaps because Edenian/Tarkatan combat is useful in a robot that follows directions. Or more lewd reasons I will not even entertain. Either way, he is a dead man.

"Not likely," I shook my head. Soon, the bot was clearly copying everything that Mileena does. Teleport kick, roll, and sais...well, something coming it's center chest. Since this was basically the same person, I could easily take it down.

See, Mileena is a wild animal. If you try to attack something that is even the least bit terrifying, you're going to be the flesh that stains her teeth. But, considering her tendencies, the act of observing, and an unbelievable amount of patience, these flashy gimmicks would account for only part of battle.

Cyberize something like that, you're asking for a failed model. But one thing I couldn't count on; the extra Tarkatan blades that came out. Or at least stand ins. That caught me off-guard, as it spun me into a literal death spiral. A decent pint of blood came from me, but I was undeterred.

All I needed to do was tear this copy apart, since my flames are clearly hotter than anything. Summoning a wave of flames from my palms, that is when I began to realize; the 'gunshots', as this place calls it. Special Forces and Black Dragons were already fighting each other. Triborg was already taken down by a woman, blonde. I wonder who she is.

But first, the fake-Mileena.

I ducked underneath it's blade, and awaited for it to fire a sai blast from it's chest. I noticed how exposed that area is whenever it released a projectile. Naturally, I assumed that it could serve as a weakness that could end this sooner than later. As it did, I forced my hand into the chest cavity, before blasting several plumes into it's innards. The bot didn't last, it's limbs exploding into pieces. Tasting my lip, I could tell that this was clearly bleeding.

A few good slashes around my arms, torso, and my lower lip. That isn't even mentioning the bruises from teleport kicks.

"Stand down," The blonde woman ordered me, clearly military, considering the get-up.

"I am...currently bleeding," I rolled my eyes, before seeing that Mileena, Khameleon, and by extension, Triborg were apprehended. That sparked some adrenaline, as I punched the nearest guy who was holding down the hybrid, however that spree was short-lived. At that instant, I could feel another vision pipe up.


Beware Armageddon...The Pyramid is Still to Arrive...


That was an unfamiliar voice...Kagu-Sachi, I assume? Maybe. He still is very much me right now. Soon, I was kneeling, shaking off a headache from those images. A fiery being, itself nothing, but to others, a chance to become a greater being, powers beyond anything. But first...

"General Blade, isn't that Mileena? Didn't Sgt. Cage report her death?"

"Yes. But Outworld has proven that death has no consequences. I want the SF to have that Cyborg for study, ASAP. Have everyone in the facility taken into to custody. Any civilians, send aid immediately...and assess the damages,"

"Aye, General," The other soldier saluted, before barking orders to the others, each having their own role to play.

"Well..." The woman known as Blade looked over me. "This was more than a Foreign Aide, huh? You have a name,"

"Mako Ortega? Anything else?" I grumbled, as another man slipped cuffs on me.

"Oh...that'll be left for HQ to ask those questions," I hate her already.

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