This New Hell I Made...

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It took some time to find a decent hiding place. Thankfully, Outworld had merged with so many realms over it's existence, finding a hiding place was easy. One thing Shao Khan didn't think about; having a bigger kingdom means you better be able to know everything in every little region. Or risk an easier state of unrest for those who know how to rebel.

This particular area wasn't exactly strange to me...I've heard of realms that used to actually help with me and my people. Basic trading and knowledge, like it should be. Even my mother was from here, although the name was lost to time, since she never really stuck around. 

This was the ruins of a civilization killed off, like many others who refused to back down from the tyrants that invaded. Perfect to hide a rogue faction, right? A few Tarkatan people had already joined us there, per Rain's suggestion. I knew Tarkatans were violent. Not because of prior experience in Kohodrum, but because one of them tried to slit my neck when he was drunk. It didn't end well for that poor creature.

And I also knew Mileena had some of that violence too, given how combative she was around me, especially given my previous offense, her pride. Well, I couldn't have her get killed, regardless of the...lineage. I learned too quickly that family changes across the generations. I used to think a family, who had been friends, would help rebel in the past war against Outworld. Suffice to say, the younger ones had already killed friends and each other, traitors in their own special way. I'd at least give her a chance...provided she doesn't attempt to shorten my lifespan.

Right now, she was healing, gathering herself after the little preview with the Amulet. We all had our thoughts still being discussed internally. We have no real...well, they don't have a clue.

I'm just an extra.

"Hm...this is a very dangerous gamble...whatever it does, it does at the cost of ending the user's life...perhaps this was a waste of time..." Rain looked at it. 

"Nonsense...the only thing I need to worry is if it will kill Kotal Khan! That Osh-Tekk is our only priority," Mileena argued.

"Even so, getting him alone will be hard...and, we're pretty sure this require constant practice to use effectively. The power was raw, unrestricted...we'd risk killing our own with this thing...and the fact it could possibly kill you, milady, is worrisome," Tanya said, still slightly conflicted.

I was still sitting cross-legged in direct earshot of the small encampment. They were bickering amongst themselves, as I only just focused on the much could I do? And not for this revolt, me specifically. I wished this form had more answers than questions. Flames. Durability. Stamina. An ever present will deep within, something I can't exactly recognize.

But for a moment, I thought I saw something...a man, a Thunder God in fact-


"Mm hm?" I opened my eyes looking over my shoulder. "You called?"

"Why did you help me? Aren't you a Kohou? Didn't my father conquer your lands? It seems suspicious that you'd be my saving grace just for the sake of it,"

"...I just thought, despite me not being fond of him, you are not him by any means. If seem in a rush to get your power back...I only wonder why?" 

"Watch your tongue, Kohou! I don't need an false pity from a former enemy..."

"We never met until now. And all I did was help you. Isn't that grounds for trust? Even I'm taking a gamble for even staying," I replied, starting to stand up. "I think you have a trust issue..."

"...Gah, I don't need to explain myself to a peasant like you! I only keep you for something much bigger...Tanya. Bring him to our little sparring ring...he'll be useful in that regard,"

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