Snares/Seeing Through The Purple Rain...

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"I'm surprised a Kohou can actually have violence in them," Raiden said, as we were preparing to leave, possibly a less than familiar world.

"Still on about my 'cruelty' towards Skarlet? I did what I thought was necessary, being that she was a dangerous obstacle," I responded, already over this. Us Kohou were renowned pacifists...a stereotype at this point of time, considering how unfeeling I was to let the redhead die by being eaten. The fact that Raiden is that shocked, a god, that stereotype runs deep.

No wonder Mileena had little to no respect for my ability to fight back...or any respect period. Well, at least until I tossed her to the floor a couple sessions ago...

I could tell my answer truly baffled him, at how unemotional towards my actions were. Eventually though, he ignored them. Soon, we were ready to depart, as Nitara bid us goodbye...I highly doubt that she cared about the others in that regard, to my chagrin.


"...I hate her," Mileena hissed, as we already teleported to a new realm.

"Agreed," I sighed, and followed the Thunder God down the terrain that had appeared before us. Almost like a dream, with a few other structures beaming the everlasting blue hue that felt...almost homely in atmosphere. "What's this realm?"

"It has yet to be called anything official, but for now, the Elder Gods called this place, 'Nightrealm', a land that exists as it were only but a dream," Raiden explained. "I actually never intended on learning anything beyond that, yet...this place is the most tranquil realm I've ever be defiled by something of Shinook's design..."

"Yes, yes, beautiful semantics, let's just be done with this trip already," Mileena grumbled, already having her lack of patience shining through. Heh, she never could just slow down and quit rushing her plans. I managed to stop here from falling onto her face...the steep slope, along with the smooth slippery texture of the area, made running a bad idea.

"Your welcome, milady," I smugly grinned, noticing how close she was to further humiliating herself. "Why not take a break? Raiden?"

"There'll be a clearing elsewhere, I can sense the snare ahead. Enjoy your rest at your leisure," He approved, knowing full well that saying no would lead to nowhere; he didn't need future vision for that detail.

Soon, at the so called clearing filled with bioluminescent plants (apparently the elevation means we're technically underground) scattering the area. And, we both sat down, me just admiring the time off. After having all of this business to attend to after fighting sorcerers, aiding a failed rebellion, and...dealing with the Moroi woman's advances, this was welcome to me.

Especially given that we both had yet to have intimate time together. Yes; I am still very much pursuing that.

"...Well, this a rare occasion, milady. Why so antsy?" I spoke towards Mileena, making myself comfortable.

"Unlike you, I have priorities...such as my throne being given back," She noticed a few lizards scampering around, even annoying me in some regard. "And sitting on my ass doing nothing to get that achieved pains me...HAA!"

One unfortunate soul happened to be pierced by her blade, before being promptly eaten. The other lizards decided to leave us, given that an apex predator was now amongst them.

"Seems like a lot of work, don't you think? With how much deception goes on...I'd prefer just sitting on my ass than deal with it,"

"So, you'd rather run like a coward?"

"Yes," I bluntly responded. "That is, until they come to me...than probably, they'll end up like Skarlet. Right?"

She nodded in agreement with that comment; I wasn't exactly a coward that time. More like a killer, more so than even her in some circles. I shuffled closer to her, getting close, barely an inch between us now. She didn't begin to resist, which was something hopeful.

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