A Fiery Reception

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Fury and flames. A crisp air of death and destruction scattering the land in a blanket of dust. This was Kohodrum, a very specific realm, one where various preachers and mystics come to learn from atop the spire. And...Shao Khan's latest conquest.

The Outworld Emperor had taken a liking for committing to 'Kombat', a fight to the death to decide the fate of the realm. Kohodrum's greatest heroes...dead. Now, only the blade and the ultimate power of Shao Khan was the final judgement. However...I wouldn't be so kind to let him do as he sees fit. 

I was hiding around the bushes as fiery catapults rained down upon the countryside, the Spire, once something I admired, becoming rubble with each passing hour. I could see a few other Outworlders patrolling, hoping to find wealth to pillage, and women to taint with their filthy intentions. I guess they never met me...quickly I dashed into one soldier, stripping him of his blade, and breaking his shoulder blade with a swift elbow, and allowing the his friend to be reunited, penetrating deep into his skull, falling with a soft thud.

Grabbing the soldier's mouth, I twisted, ripping his neck into shreds, and allowed him to cough up his last bits of fluid before succumbing to the death I had granted him. It was disgusting, but war is never a clean business. The Mortal Kombat might have ended in failure, but I refuse to let this continue. Soon, I was in a small village, some area I only came for the harvest, now a grey barren land with the stench of fresh corpses recognizable to me. Even the flies decided to join in our little gathering.

Trotting along, and noticing the rain pick up, I found myself at the entrance of a nearby hut. Inside, a few men, peasants, and occasional merchants huddled, trying their best to survive the onslaught. I eyed a few of them, and found him, my Uncle.

"Mako...you're alive?"

"Not for much longer, Uncle. Dad died in the tournament, Mom, probably a prostitute at best...I bring a message, from the Spire...they want your skill in magic to help at least weaken Shao Khan," I told him, giving him a scroll that told him everything. From his expression, he wasn't to fond of it.

"Damn...they don't know what kind of monster they have brought unto us! Not even a tiny miracle of the Gods will do anything to save us,"


"Mako Ortega, please...don't be a fool. They're clearly the superior force. He has conquered thousands more, each stronger than us...we have no choice but to bow to his whims..." I only scoffed at his words. He was hopeless...clearly, he did have some faith? Or was that gone too?

"No! I'm not doing such a thing! I choose to fight, and if I die! So be it!" I yelled towards him.

"Than go ahead! Why wallow with the lowest of the caste? Go ahead and see what good it does you!" I cringed at his tone, hollow, yet, angry. Maybe even frightened.

Soon, I came outside to see my people trying to fight back, with me simply watching the enemy gain the advantage. Rushing towards them, I slammed into one man, tearing them into paste my training in the arts substantial. Soon, I found her; Ferra, the dwarf. 

"Ferra! Where is Torr?" She stabbed somebody, and flailed over to the cages over there. I ran towards it, avoiding a few arrows along my path, and found the hulking beast. He was breathing heavily, attempting to free himself with no payoff. I grabbed a pike, nearly slipped through my throat. Convenient.

Cracking the mechanism, by stabbing into it for a makeshift lever, I quickly applied pressure. The dwarf had already ran by my side.

"Come on! Free Torr!"

"I am! I am!"

"Not fast!"

Soon, with Ferra's help, I ripped the restraints off of the giant man, allowing her to climb aboard.

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