14~Rumour's are a terrible thing

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The past week has been the best for Magbus, he'd finally admitted the truth to his parents, his grades have peaked, he'd found a new job with decent pay...and has he mentioned his boyfriend.

Although, it was like one day Alec was no longer Alec, he wasn't the same. But the boy denies that anything is wrong every time he's asked, a smile that's obviously forced on his face.

"Magnus, I'm fine" Alec answered with his usual fake smile as he closed his locker.

"Alec I'm your boyfriend, I know when you lie because your nostrils flare a bit" he said pointing at his little tell giving him away, Alec looked down at his trembling hands "I'm sorry, I'm just worried about you, I understand if you don't want to tell me but I've noticed how it's caused a difference in you, and I'm here for you, I'll always be here no matter what"

"No matter what?" Alec asked unsure.

"Unless it involves Jace of course" that made the boy smile, a real one Magnus hasn't seen in a while "Beautiful" raising his hand he brushed his finger over the boys lips.

"I love you, so much" Alec conveyed all his love into that sentence, pulling his boyfriend into a tight hug.

"I love you too" Magnus pulled away to give him a soft kiss "That's gonna be the last one you get in a while...until you tell me what you're hiding"

He didn't wait for Alec's reply, leaving him standing in the hall on his own as he made his way to third period; Calculas. It was his least favourite subject, he could not get his head around it, the other reason being Alec wasn't in this lesson with him, no one was from his group.

He hadn't realised he'd fallen asleep until the person beside him was shaking him awake "Dude, what was that for?" he groaned lifting his head off the desk.

"Because I asked you a question, would you like to elaborate?" his teacher stood at the front a little intimidatingly.

"Not really" Magnus replied, picking up his pen and spinning it between his fingers.

"Very funny Mr Bane, now would you prefer to be sent out or make a fool of yourself by attempting to answer this equation?" the teacher gave him two unfair options.

"Pretty sure you haven't taught us that" Magnus pointed out, however it looked familiar as he took a closer look at it.

"That's why you're my test subject" the man held out the marker for Magnus to take. He walked up to the front and took the black marker, a smirk on his face as he approached the board.

"I'm gonna take a guess and say...add it to get 15.8 which will give you 156.2 by subtracting and then multiplying those numbers, so the answer is 78.1" Magnus ended handing the marker out to the teacher "But I mean, I'm only guessing"

"Hoe on earth did you..." the teacher was obviously shocked by his answer.

"Two words, Alexander Lightwood" who knew that he'd actually remember what the boy told him whilst on one of his rants.

"Omg, did you hear what people have been saying about him?" someone's voice from the back echoed.

Magnus heard it clear we day no matter how quiet they were trying to be, making him curious about what they seem to know.

"What about Alec?" Magnus pushed them to answer after they got hushed whispers.

One kid coughed up and Magnus looked to him side "Look Magnus, I don't think you should be learning about this from us"

"I don't care what you think, now spill" he forced.

"Um..." the boy he knows as Will looked around to see if anyone would take over, unfortunately for him no one did "There's a rumour going around saying that uh...it uh...that Lydia Branwell is pregnant with his kid" Magnus' face fell, he never would have thought that's what he would come out with.

Another student rested her hand on his shoulder, questioning if he's okay but he barely heard it. Magnus threw his back over his shoulder and stormed out of the room as the bell rang, heading towards the school exit. It seemed like no one was on his side, because as he turned the corner he bumped into the person he didn't feel like facing just yet.

"Hey, what's the rush?" Alec's hand came to rest on his left shoulder, grounding him in space.

"Let me go Alec" Magnus said quietly not wanting to start an argument during the busiest time of the day.

"What's wrong?" Magnus only scoffed at that, how the tables have turned.

"I'm fine, that's what you always say" he voiced what his boyfriend has been repeating for days now.

"How about we go somewhere private and talk" Alec suggested, he went to take the boys hand but Magnus stepped back.

"I wanna be alone" Magnus went to walk away but Alec managed to grab hold of his jacket sleeve.

"Tell me what's wrong and we can work it out" Alec promised him, concerned for the boy, comforting him by placing his palm on his cheek.

"Don't do that" Magnus said softly, taking Alec's hand off himself as tears formed in his eyes.

"Hey, you know you can tell me anything" Alec took hold of his hand when Magnus tried to pull away.

"And I told you that it goes both ways, it hasn't seemed to be true the past few days for you" an actual tear slipped down Magnus' face that time.

"Magnus?" fear covered Alec's face, fear of Magnus finding out, fear that it wasn't him to tell him, fear that it was over.

"It's real, isn't it?" Magnus asked, looking straight at Alec ready to call him out on his lie.

"Magnus...I uh, please" Alec attempted to pull him closer, the fear of losing the one person he's ever truly loved setting in.

"You're going to be a dad" Magnus kept his voice quiet on the last word, still wanting to respect the boys privacy. He could tell by the way Alec reacted to that word that it's the first time he's heard it out loud, revealing to Magnus that it was real, not a rumour.

Alec felt like he couldn't breath as their hands left one another, he couldn't move when Magnus walked away, he felt like he was paralysed. His legs gave up on him as he collapsed onto the floor, he was caught in time before falling over.

"Alec?" Raphael's voice was faint, barely able to hear it "It's going to be okay" was the last thing he heard before leaping off the ground, rushing off.
Anyways thank you once again for coming back and reading, how I'll see you on the next part. Xx

Re-edited: August 22, 2020

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