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He couldn't believe it. Did he really just do that? Technically he didn't ask the boy out, he probably thinks they're hanging out as friends. But who cares, they're about to go back to where it all started for them, their special place.

Should I head off now? Was the thought running through Magnhs' mind every 30 seconds. Followed by I don't know, we did say an hour, but ending with it takes a while to get there.

He's probably thinking too much into it, right? He kept trying to picture people in his position, wondering if they would be behaving like him right now. Alex is someone from his past who meant a lot to him, and the feelings are still there...on his side at least.

You've known him for years Magnus, stop being a baby was the last thing he said to himself, before he found himself running down the driveway, turning the ignition on, and driving off.
Alex just finished getting out the shower when there was a knock at his door, he didn't even have a chance to ask who it was before his sister entered the room.

"Izzy!! Towel!!" he exclaimed, gesturing to the only piece of fabric he has covering himself.

"We need a chat" she stated, completely ignoring what her brother just said.

"Before we start, why do you knock on my door if you're just going to come in without permission?" the boy asked, still trying to rush without making it look like he's in a rush to get somewhere, does that make sense?

"I didn't come here to talk about that" Izzy stated, making herself comfortable on Alec's bed, she obviously ain't planning on leaving anytime soon.

"Look I need to leave in..." he looked at his watch and cursed "20 minutes!, I'm gonna be late" he searched through his closet for a a nice enough shirt, he wanted to make an effort, but not too much since technically it wasn't a date, right?

"Hey bro, listen. Firstly I came to ask you how practice went since you practically ran off straight after, leaving me to walk home after cheer" she scoffed still not over that "And two where are you going and why are you going to be late?"

"Practice was great, and I'm hanging out with Magnus in less than 20 minutes so out now, I need to change." he shooed her out the room and slammed his door rushing to get ready.
After parking his car, and hiking up to the place the first thought that came to mind was wow. Alec had a vague memory of how it used to look like, but being back took his breath away.

He hadn't stepped foot on this spot in years, not since Magnus left. It was always a place they'd come together, if they were feeling down, if they needed cheering up, it was a safe place for them.

Alec began walking towards the trees in the distance, knowing that's where the other boy would be if he arrived before him, and surely there he was.

"Hi" Alex smiled, approaching the boy.

"You remembered." Magnus' voice was low, glad Alec found his way here.

"Of course I remembered who do you think I am" Alec sat down on the ground next to him planing on what to say next "But if I'm being completely honest with you I haven't been out here since that day you moved away"

"I always told myself if I ever got the chance to sit in this spot again I'd wait until I found you" Magnus looked over at him "So I did"

"I'm glad you waited" Alec spoke softly, a small smile on the edge of his lips.

"You remember the day we found this place, and you decided to call it that most ridiculous name?" Magnus laughed, remembering that day like it was only yesterday.

Malec- Life Changes [COMPLETED]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt