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Leah was infuriated beyond doubt, but on the other hand, she was a bit grateful that she would see her grandmother.

It was the night at the moment; Romulus told her it was best to leave. He knew there were guards, but since he worked as a guard, he knew many secret pathways to leave the city. The werewolf also knew many of the schedules the guards abided by.

When it was time to leave, Romulus carried Leah bridal style. She wouldn't be able to catch up with him due to the differences in speed. At 11 pm, they left the house; Romulus carried his mate through different parts of the city. As they went through many homes, Leah couldn't help but hear certain noises from many homes.

Groans and moans.

Many couples were having sex. Leah would put her hand on her ears and close her eyes.

Romulus noticed, and a slight chuckle came out of his throat. He, too, heard the sounds coming from the homes of his brethren. The full moon was almost arriving, and many were restless. Their need for their mates is so great that they cannot wait for the day to come and start to mate with their partners. He had to admit that he wanted to mate with Leah but wanted their first time together to be very special.

He ran as fast as he could. Romulus did not want to risk getting caught. There would be consequences if both he and Leah were. However, he knew Leah would get restless if she could not see her grandmother.

He did this for her.

They couldn't go through the waterfall because it would have created a lot of noise, so he decided to climb. The walls were sturdy and challenging to climb, but Romulus wasn't deterred. He asked Leah to hold onto him, which she did. Romulus looked both ways, and there was no one in sight, so get began to climb on the wall. Leah also put her legs around his waist so she wouldn't fall.

She noticed Romulus struggle, but he kept focused; she believed in him. It felt like an eternity, but they eventually reached the top and saw the other end. Trees, hills, and mountains. "We made it!" She looked at Romulus. "You did it! You were amazing!" She kissed him on the cheek.

Romulus blushed and gave out a gentle smile. "Yes, love. We are in your world now, just as promised. Hold onto me. We're going to have to climb down."

Leah nodded as she held onto Romulus. He slid down the rocks and waterfall but jumped toward nearby trees. Romulus ensured that he and Leah were far from the waterfall, and when they were, Romulus jumped to the ground and put Leah down for a moment. "Romulus, I can walk, you know. You did enough, and you need rest."

"It can be dangerous out here. I don't mind carrying you until we are safe."

Surprisingly, Leah did not protest, and she let him hold her. Both said nothing as Romulus kept walking forward with Leah in his arms. The couple felt content, happy, and warm in each other's embrace under the moon.

The night air was cold. What surprised Leah was that she felt warm even with the chill. "A-Aren't you cold?"

Romulus looked at her and gave out a soft smile. "Not at all. Since I am a werewolf, the elements don't' affect me. Are you cold?"

She shook her head. "It's strange; I'm not cold at all."

"Since you are close to my body, my warmth keeps you warm. That is one of the reasons why I'm still carrying you, my love." Leah couldn't help but blush again. "Whenever I tell you something sweet, you blush. You look adorable."

She looked away as Romulus walked. What seemed like an endless trail, he stopped. "I think we should stop for now. We should rest since we still have a long way to go." He walked higher to a hill and let her down. Romulus then chopped some firewood and made a fire for them both. 

Leah knew that Romulus could have taken them back to the village in an hour or two, but she felt Romulus wanted to spend time with her. She decided not to say anything; they broke many laws. Romulus looked exhausted from the climbing and running; he deserved a break. They sat next to each other in front of the fire.

Leah looked at the moon. "It is so beautiful."

Romulus looked up. "Yes, it is."

"I wanted to say thank you again. I know you risked being here because of me. However, I promise to keep my word and always be with you."

The werewolf raised his eyebrows. "Well, look at this. You changed so suddenly."

"Well, I have to keep my word as you keep yours. Although you did break some promises."

"Hey, it's not my fault that I am a werewolf."

The two discussed throughout the night and eventually fell asleep in each other's arms. Tomorrow was going to be another day.

Meanwhile, Remus is in his room in the werewolf society, and darkness surrounds him. He lay on his bed, deep in thought. He wasn't able to have his mate this year. 

He felt betrayed by the moon goddess. Remus thought that the goddess took the opportunity to have a mate by his side, someone he could hold, someone who could give him the family that he always wanted. 

His heart clenched painfully; he never felt so alone.

"Why?" he asked himself.

Remus got off the bed and opened the window of his room. His eyes stared at the moon almost in a hateful manner. "Why moon goddess!? Why have you forsaken me!?" He punched the wall so hard that it made a hole.

It was still silent; Remus heard only the crickets.

Then, his thoughts went back to Leah. To him, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Remus was envious of his cousin. He felt that Romulus always had the luck he wanted. Remus firmly believed that Romulus did not deserve such a woman as Leah. That's when he decided that tomorrow morning, Remus would visit Leah; he wanted to see more of her. He didn't care if he was going to anger his cousin.

Remus had a plan.

The plan was to get Leah for himself. 

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