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Leah and Romulus finished eating breakfast. Romulus got their plates and washed them in silence. Leah, however, looked around the house. It was a decent-sized house that looked like a cabin for vacations.

Romulus glanced at her. "You like it?"

"It's nice."

"I'm glad this house used to belong to my parents, but when they passed on, it was left to me."

It was silent once again, and Romulus finished washing the dishes. "We need more food, and you will go grocery shopping with me. Remember what I told you earlier? Don't try to run; you will not get far. Am I clear?" She did not answer. Romulus sighed. "I am not trying to be hurtful. I am telling you these things because I care and love you."

When Romulus said those words, Leah lashed out. "Love!? Are you kidding me!? You kidnapped me against my will and won't take me back to my grandmother! We barely know each other, and you're already in love with me!? What kind of thing are you!?" 

She noticed Romulus cringe a bit; his eyes held a bit of sadness. "I feel what I feel. We werewolves were built differently from human males. You can call me the most horrendous names in existence. Feel free if you like. That night, you were almost taken by another werewolf. You were not his mate, but he was about to take you either way. Tell me, what do you think would have happened?" Leah felt a shiver go down her spine. She knew what would have happened, but she did not respond; he continued. "In our society, only males are born, and we become infertile by age thirty-five. When male werewolves almost reach that age, desperation takes them over. You could have been raped and forced to be with him. You would have been even more miserable. Have I even tried to rape or harm you?"

Leah did not answer again. Deep down, she felt at least grateful to him. However, her pride did not let her admit it. Leah wanted to return home, but her screaming was not getting her anywhere. "Look, I'm grateful that you haven't forced me that would have brought me harm. It still doesn't change that you took me against my will."

"I know. I'll admit that what I did hurt you emotionally and mentally. However, it would be best to accept that the world isn't fair for everyone, which is your fate. Everything happens for a reason." Romulus stood and motioned out his hand to her. "Come. I know this is going fast, and you're new to this, but the sooner you get used to our society, the better."

The young woman looked at Romulus. She wanted to be defiant and make him miserable. So miserable that he would leave her. However, curiosity got the best of her. She did not hold his hand and heard a quiet whimper from him. Romulus walked before her and opened the door.

"What is this place?"

"This is the werewolf society where human mates live in. We live separately from humans so we don't become discovered, which can risk our species. We can't have the wrong people know about us, especially the government."

"I see; it makes sense." Romulus chuckled, and he held Leah's hand. "What are you doing, dog? I can walk on my own."

Romulus chuckled. "Don't call me a dog. It hurts my feelings." He playfully wiggled his eyebrows. "You can call me honey bun, my love, my everything, darling, or my world, but never a dog."

Leah was surprised. She never thought a werewolf man with so much intimidation would have a soft side. She wanted to squeal but held herself. "Whatever you say, dog."

Romulus playfully shook his head and motioned her to a small part of the city. Leah saw how clean the city was. The city felt medieval, but the people were dressed in modern clothing. Many occupants greeted the couple, and there were many shops, cafes, and small parks. Leah was amazed that the city held everything. She was led to a street where street vendors sold fruits, vegetables, bread, and other food. Romulus, with her help, shopped for groceries. 

"I'm curious. What do you do to work for money?"

"We have our currency and our system. It's a bit complicated. However, we get by. I am a guard for the werewolf council, so I make a decent living."

 While picking out some food, a group of three boys were playing tag and stopped by the couple. They looked at Leah, and she did the same. She couldn't deny that the boys were adorable. The youngest, who looked to be five years old, waved at her. "You're pretty."

This surprised her, and she blushed. "Why, thank you. You're all adorable and will be lookers when you're older." The boys waved goodbye and went on their way. "Well, that was random. Either way, they are respectable kids. Not like in the United States."

Romulus paid for the food, and the two went on their way back to his home. "Children can be a hassle, but they are worth it if one raises them to be respectable. I can't wait to have our children."

Leah stopped walking, and her eyes widened. Her eyes and arms felt weak. "What?"

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