I just want to go Home

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Crona flew away with you in his arms but Medusa caught up. She dragged Crona down to the ground and you fell out of his arms getting stuck in a spider web. "Crona....i..i can't move"
Medusa but in "Isn't that good (y/n)? My older sister can finally start the experiment while I take care of Crona"

"What do you even want me for!"

"Your a stubborn little girl aren't you? it's simple really." She laughed as Archane came out of nowhere and wrapped you into a cocoon. You looked up and saw Maka and Soul come out of the sky. "(y/n)!!" Maka screamed and cut open the cocoon to set you free.

"I don't this so Eureka! Free! now!" Medusa sent out 2 of the people she counted on to take you out. Free and Eureka grabbed you and ran to the South. "Take her to Baba Yaga Castle at once!" Archane yelled. The 2 nodded and Eureka summoned a giant tadpole, jumped on it tieing you up and then teleporting away with Free.

((Cussing/Swearing Waring))

At Baba Yaga Castle Eureka and Free have you hooked up to a machine. You try to scream but it's no use you lost your voice yelling all the time. You think 'why did they choose me?! I bet Medusa wanted me dead because im not good enough for Crona Urgh!! this makes no sense! Im good for Crona and hes good for me and thats that..but with me unable to do anything whats going to happen to me?' You look around for someway to get out or atleast get these Fucking wires and then...It hit you, literaly you got hit in the head with a lighter. Well it might not cut wire but it can burn wire! As you try to burn the wire around your wrists you hear Eureka and Free heading your way so you hide the lighter in your sleve. "well hello (y/n)"

You try to speak and all you can get out is "B...Bitch!"

"hey dont get too cocky (y/n) you'll be dead sooner that you should be with that attitude Ribbit " Eureka croaks. Your voice started to come back were the wires taking your senses away from you? You could barely hear Eureka and Free and you had no feeling in your legs so even if you could get out you wont be able to stand....."well lets get this show on the road! Free! Eureka! flick the switches at once!" It was that cocky little snake Medusa and her older sister Archane. Free had the left side and Eureka had the right. They flicked the swithces and all through your body was a sharp pain that struck you; you life then flashed before your eyes. 'The day i came to the academy...The day i met all my friends...the dinner with crona...all a waste...' Medsua then ordered Free and Eureka to stop and turn off the machine. She walked up to you and smiled "how are you feeling now?"

With an evil smile you reply with " I crave blood..."

"good my child go after The DWMA students Maka and Soul and then report back to me"

"yes lady medusa" they un-wired you and let you run free to kill Maka and Soul.


You ran to the DWMA to find Kid sitting outside the main door. He looked at you in shock and then gestured you inside the Academy. Liz started opening her big mouth
"(y/n)! I'm so glad your back! hey what happened to Medusa and Archane did you kill'em yet?"

"No not yet...but I'm gonna kill you 3 before I lose this perfect chance!!!"
You then ran to Kid and punched him in the gut. Grabbing him by the collar of his suit you pull him close to your face and laugh "I guess you don't have the guts to kill me Kid" you sighed

"I expected more from the Grim Reapers Child but I guess I have to make you mad to make you come at me" you throw kid down to the ground and jump on one of the pillars of the DWMA and jumped on it once for it to collapse. That's when Kid went crazy and Patti started laughing like a little girl. You jumped down "do I have to piss you off too little girl?"

Patti then gave you the glare you've been dying to see "what the fuck did you call me!? a little girl eh? well then how come I have bigger boobs than Liz?!"

"Patti shut up and let's kill this traitor!" Liz snapped.

Kid, Liz, and Patti ( as weapons ) threw themselves at you with all the bullets that Kid shot. He was sweating because of how much you evaded his attacks. Then Kid thought "Soul Resonance!"

"Death Cannon Powering up" Liz stated

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1,"

"Fire now damn you!" Patti yelled
Kid fired his Death cannon and after that you vanished.
You ran inside the DWMA before the smoke cleared. You walked and then did what you had to do; hunt down Maka and Soul inside the academy. You thought 'why have only Maka and Soul die when I can have soo much more? Kid, Liz, and Patti would be a great addition to my killing spree but Lady Medusa might not like it so the Targets will have to do for now'

You walk down the hall to the Death Room to the door. You could feel the Soul wavelengths of 4....no 5 People but you didn't hold back. You rammed the door open to see Maka, Soul, Lord Death, (your partner), and Crona the one you love.

"(Partner) weapon form please!" you yell

"Ok?" (partner) replied
Lord Death took a good look at your eyes, they were like Cronas when he was all alone with nobody to befriend him. He then turned to Maka and Soul and then back at you.

"(Partner) Don't go to (y/n) she's Medusas pet. Maka, Soul take (y/n) out now before she hurts anybody!"

"Yes lord death!" Maka and Soul said in sync.

"Please don't waste your breath on this stupid Grim Reaper he won't do anything for you"

"What do you know (y/n)! your being controlled by Medusa so you know nothing!" Maka screamed

"Oh is that so? then did you know that Death isn't human under that cloak! when you fought the Kishin Asura you missed out on the fight before you killed Asura! Death had holes all in his body yet he was still standing so explain that one Flat chested freak!"

***location Warp***

"You don't know anything do you
(y/n)?" Somehow Crona appeared in you head full of madness. He walked over to a stream of Madness. As he looked into the stream he saw the real you inside the thick liquid. All he could hear was "I just want to go home.."

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