He asked me what?!

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Class was over and it was time to go back home...or what you like to call it The DWMA Dungeon. You see Crona walking alone in the hall and decide to run up to him. "H..hey" you say quietly.
Crona jumped And turned around looking shocked. "oh....hi (y/n) what's going on?"

"I wanted to see you"

"Oh..." Crona thinks 'I don't know how to deal with this ragonrok I like her but how do I ask her out?' 'I got this Crona'
Ragonrok came out of Cronas back. Crona screened in agonizing pain.

"CRONA!!" you yell

"Hey you girl! Wanna go to dinner with this poor excuse of a boy?!" The being said sounding pissed.

"Crona? you want to go to dinner...with me?" you ask with tears starting to form. Crona hugged you and sighed.

"I...I...ummm....y...yes" Crona said Blushing.

"I'm happy to! let me get changed and I will meet you outside your room" you say happily and walk into your room not thinking about how horrible it really looks. You open your dresser to find a cute or Fancy dress/outfit but can't seem to find one good enough. The clothes you put on are the nice skinny jeans you have and a ruffly red top. As you walk to Cronas room you hear people talking....Familiar voices and then "Hey (y/n)! why are you so dressed up?" Maka asks you. You don't want her to know your going to dinner with Crona so you make up a quick answer "I....umm going to pick up dry cleaning and I have to go so talk to you later sorry!" you say running off to Crona. You knock of the door and walk in to see Crona in...just stunning clothes!

"Wanna leave now?" Crona asks you. You nod your head and you both walk out of the DWMA and go into a Taxi.

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