Chapter 20

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Tuesday 1 July 2014

Phoebe opened the door to her house. She had been set free for the time being. She didn't want neither to see nor to hear anyone. Her lawyer had managed to give her some more time but Phoebe knew that she was going to be in jail in no time. What had started as her taking her revenge, had now been the reason that she was going to be in jail again. Unless, she was going to leave. And maybe that was what she had to do. She felt like she had let herself down most of all. She wasn't sure if the real reason she came in Brazil was because she wanted to take her revenge on the group of losers that killed her best friend or maybe because she wanted to see the love of her life again. She got rid of her shoes and being tired, she made her way to her room, jumping in her bed still with her clothes on. She got under the covers and she fell asleep almost immediately. She would have cried but she was too tired for that.


Wednesday 2 July 2014

Giovanna was brushing Phoebe's hair as the latter was trying hard not to scream from despair, scratching her hands with her nails.
- I told you that straight hair suit you more.
Her friend said, as if that was the most important thing they were going through right now. Phoebe ignored her. She didn't want to end up in jail. She knew that there wasn't a chance though.
- I know that this doesn't matter, but my intention was never to kill her.
Phoebe murmured, it was audible though by her friend.
- I know. You had no reason to kill her. She attacked you.
- She just hit her head when I pushed her and ended on the floor. And she started bleeding. I didn't want to kill her.
Giovanna stopped brushing her hair, instead she sat beside her in the couch and touched her knee.
- I'm going to fight for you, Phoebe. You're my best friend. And even if you don't have the chance to take your revenge on them, I'm doing that for you. In fact, I'm going to kill Neymar. He won't get away with what he did to both of you and your friend. And...I'm finding you a better lawyer if that's the case. Anything. Just anything for you. We'll make it Phoebe, don't worry.
Her sayings were cut short after from the doorbell ringing. Since Phoebe wasn't able to take it, Giovanna did for her. As predicted, Oscar was the one to visit Phoebe that day. He didn't even talk to Giovanna, he just made his way to Phoebe, hugging her tightly.
- I'm here for you baby.
He whispered. Phoebe's lips formed a smile. Giovanna took it as a sign to leave. Not long after the door was shut after her.
- You know what ? I'm going to accept the offer from China...and you're coming with me. We're going to live there and leave everything and everyone behind.
- And what about Marcia ?
- I'm divorcing her.
- B...because of me ?
- Everything I do is because of you. I'm not losing you again. I did that once and it wasn't fun.
- But have to slow down with that. Because...I'll be in jail.
She said almost smiling. She knew that what Oscar was saying was impossible to happen, but she couldn't resist on smiling only in the thought of Oscar considering a future with her.
- Everything will be okay love. I swear.
He hold Phoebe in his arms. And Phoebe felt safe. Safer than she had ever felt before.


Thursday 3 July 2014

Giovanna entered the house she was sharing with Neymar. Her manicured fingers touched something inside her bag.
- Neymar ?
She asked. No answer.
- Neymar ?
She asked again. She sighed. Perhaps he wasn't home. She made her way to the bedroom the two of them shared. And there he was. Her boyfriend. With just a towel around his waist. Giovanna stared at him for a moment. He was undoubtedly sexy. But in her eyes, he was one of the ugliest and disgusting people ever existing. Neymar hadn't noticed her yet and Giovanna just took the thing out of her bag, hiding it beside her. Then Neymar turned around. She may have caused some noise due to her nails colliding with the metallic thing.
- Giovanna ?
Neymar blushed. After the blonde revealed that she was a friend of Phoebe's and that she had helped her with her plan, she hadn't spoken with Neymar. And Neymar didn't want to believe that Giovanna was involved in it. And he didn't want to believe it because he was in love. He wasn't proud to admit it, but he had indeed fell for Giovanna.
- I thought...wait for me to dress up and we'll talk.
Giovanna swallowed audibly. For a moment, she thought that what she was about to do was crazy. But focusing on Neymar's face and remembering all the things he did, to her own best friend, she regained her strength. Neymar took her silence as a sign that she had regretted everything she had said. But that wasn't the case.
- I'm so glad you came home. I can't live without you Giovanna.
Giovanna's expression hardened. Then, she smirked.
- Did you have a shower baby ?
She said in a mocking voice, pointing at the towel that was wrapped around Neymar's waist. Neymar thought that she was trying to seduce him.
- Well,...yes.
He replied. Giovanna gritted her teeth.
- Well, at least you're going clean in hell.
She said, before pointing at him with the gun that she hid behind her back.


Friday 4 July 2014

Phoebe couldn't believe it. The death of Neymar had shocked everyone. He was found dead in his house, apparently shot with a gun. No one knew how that had happened. Someone had anonymously called the police, saying that they heard a strange noise in Neymar's house. Some neighbor ? Nobody really knows. And nobody could think about it. Only the news that the famous football star was shot dead, were shocking enough. Phoebe and Giovanna were both sitting in a small room in the stadium were the match against Colombia was held. They were alone. By now, the score was 2-1 Brazil winning. None of them could focus on the match. Phoebe guessed that neither the footballers could. Giovanna's hands were shaking as she lit a cigarette. Phoebe knew that her friend didn't like smoking but she guessed that Neymar's death had an impact on her too. And why not to after all ? She pretended to be in love with him and maybe she had indeed fallen in love with him.
- You can cry if you want to Gigi. It must be hard.
The blonde didn't even acknowledged her friend talking to her.
- Do you have any idea who might have killed him ? And why ? I mean, someone must have hated him and a lot to just kill him like that and I hate to admit it, but I'm not happy that someone killed him and not because I'd like to be the one to do that.
Giovanna closed her eyes for a moment and let out some smoke.
- If you don't want to talk about it...
- It's fine.
The blonde said.
- Really ?
Phoebe asked. Giovanna seemed to be paranoid. As if she couldn't process that someone had killed her boyfriend. Phoebe didn't dare to talk about Neymar again, she felt guilty without knowing why. It was maybe because she had wished for him to die in the worst way possible. This was far from the worst way possible because Neymar hadn't suffered, still though, she couldn't understand who had helped her without even knowing the situation. The final whistle blew, which meant that Brazil had made it to Colombia. And none seemed to care about it. Everyone was shocked to say the least. Worst of all, was the fact that Phoebe was going to be in jail again, without being able to thank whoever did kill Neymar. A smirk was in her lips now. She was mean. But she felt like Neymar deserved it. Giovanna's sobs made her come back to reality. Phoebe rubbed her shoulder.
- I know it's hard. He was a dick but you loved him. He had a thing to make girls fall in love with him, without even attempting it. It's okay that you're one of them.
Phoebe comforted her. Giovanna looked at her with her green eyes being in tears.
- I'm not in love with Neymar. I would never allow myself to be in love with him. Not after what he did to you.
- But...I could have been lying all along.
- No, you couldn't. And anyway, I'm not the type of person that falls for looks. Especially Neymar's looks.
That wasn't entirely true, Phoebe knew but she didn't want to upset her friend even more.
- We should leave before Marcia sees us.
Phoebe whispered. Giovanna nodded in agreement.


Saturday 5 July 2014

- That one.
Phoebe recommended to her friend. Giovanna picked the dress she was going to wear in Neymar's funeral.
- Thanks for your help.
- No problem.


Sunday 6 July 2014

On Neymar's funeral, Giovanna didn't even shed a tear and as for Phoebe she didn't attend it. She didn't want people commenting on her presence there, besides she had no reason of being there. If she wanted to be real to herself, she didn't even care that Neymar was shot dead. No. She cared. Because she felt that Neymar hadn't paid for what he had done. But she couldn't blame whoever did it for just shot him. She didn't have the courage to do anything after all. She dialed Oscar's number. She wanted to hear his voice, to soothe her nerves a little.
- Phoebe ?
A woman's voice was heard on the other end of the line, surprising Phoebe.
- Who...who is it ?
Phoebe asked.
- It's Marcia.
Phoebe felt her cheeks reddening. She had called Oscar only for his wife to pick up. She was about to hang up, but Marcia's voice interrupted her intentions.
- Since you called, I've figured you'd want to learn the news from me.
Phoebe swallowed audibly. She surely didn't want to hear any news Marcia had to say. She closed her eyes, while feeling all the blood, vanishing from her face. She could practically hear Marcia smiling in the other end of the line.
- I'm pregnant!
Marcia exclaimed. Phoebe felt something in her throat. She felt as if Marcia was shouting to her;
Oscar and I are so in love and you can do nothing about it.
And she was right. Because Oscar and Marcia seemed to be in love and Phoebe had no place in their love story.

Revenge ft. Neymar Jr., David Luiz, Oscar Emboaba {completed}Where stories live. Discover now