Chapter 13

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Saturday 13 June 2009

Phoebe couldn't understand why Kibibi had said all these stuff the day before. Things had definitely changed there and Phoebe felt as if she was the outsider. Only Oscar didn't behave this way around her. Still Phoebe started to feel unwanted. Maybe it wasn't a good idea that she had came this summer too in the first place. A knock on her room's door made her head jerk up. In the door, there was Kibibi, smiling shyly.
- Hi.
She mumbled. Phoebe just looked at her.
- I know that you're mad at me, that's why I came.
She started. Phoebe still didn't respond.
- I'm sorry. I have no idea what was wrong with me yesterday. I just wasn't in the mood.
Phoebe didn't believe her. There was something going on with her, she knew for sure. Her expression yesterday betrayed that.
- Can we maybe forget it ?
Phoebe continued staring at her. The worst part was that Kibibi didn't trust her. She hated that. She really considered her one of her best friends.
- I guess.
She finally said. Kibibi exhaled deeply.
- Thank you.
She tried to hug her but Phoebe didn't do the same, causing Kibibi to feel awkward.
- Anyway, we're having a beach party tonight, are you coming ?
Kibibi asked. Phoebe glared at her.
- I'll think about it.
Kibibi faked a smile.
- Good. You're still mad at me, right ?
Phoebe didn't respond right away.
- No, I'm not mad. I'm disappointed, and I know that you keep lying to me now.
Kibibi dropped her gaze.
- I'm sorry Phoebe.
- Don't be. There's no need to.


Tuesday 24 June 2014

- And then Maria came and she was like "and I thought you wanted to steal my husband. Marcia won't be happy with that."
Pamela wiped a tear from her cheek. Giovanna was listening to her silently. She had known for the first moment, that something was off. She had also known that something had happened between Pamela and Oscar.
- I fucked up.
- It's okay Pamela. And I don't think you fucked up.
- I did. Everything has gone to waste now.
- That's definitely not true.
- Don't be so optimistic Giovanna. I know that things are not going the way we had planned them too. Neymar should have been in jail again by now, whereas David should have fallen in love with me and neither of that is happening.
- The thing is, it's not easy for David to fall in love with you all of a sudden.
- Yeah, but it wasn't easy neither when we made this whole plan.
- Okay, we haven't figured that out. Back to the point. Neymar will be again in jail, I promise you that. And as far as David is concerned, I think I may have something in mind.


Tuesday 24 June 2014, training session

- Something's off with her.
Neymar repeated, kicking the ball to Oscar.
- Did you try hit on her and she rejected you ?
David asked.
- I've got Giovanna idiot, why to hit on Pamela ?
- Then what ? Is it because Giovanna prefers her company over yours ?
- Do you think I'm jealous of Giovanna's friends ?
Neymar asked offended.
- I don't know what to think, really.
David responded.
- Think about it, all the weird stuff, started happening when she appeared. How do you explain that ?
- What kind of weird stuff ?
David asked again.
- Are you serious now ? I've been to jail because I stole some of Giovanna's photos ? How can that be the case ?
- That's weird. But Pamela didn't know anything about it.
- Or that's what she wanted us to believe.
- Neymar, she doesn't even know you, not personally anyway.
- David, shut it. Do you think that I would steal Giovanna's photos ? I can buy every single one of them, if I want to and Giovanna is my girlfriend.
- I just don't know what to think, besides you and Giovanna are not dating for long and she has never came to your house in Barcelona, you met her here. So, it's impossible for her to have put her photos there.
David said.
- Exactly what I'm saying!
Neymar screamed.
- It's also impossible for Pamela to have done that either though.
Neymar rolled his eyes.
- I'm sure she has something to do with it. I don't trust her.
Oscar was quiet while they were speaking. He didn't want to say it out loud, but he had a weird feeling about Pamela himself. And then, it was everything she said to him the other night. Her sayings were echoing in his ears. " I know you better than you think." " My name's not Pamela." There was definitely something wrong with her.
- What do you say ?
Neymar asked. Oscar just raised his head to see both of them, staring at him.
- About Pamela ?
Oscar asked. Neymar nodded his head.
- I think that you're right, there's something wrong with her.
- Not you too!
David complained.
- Don't listen to David.
Neymar said.
- Guys, it's ridiculous. She doesn't even know us, what's your deal with her ?
Neymar stared at Oscar. It was as if they could read each other's thoughts.
- I'm not sure about that either. She seems familiar, she reminds me of someone. I just can't remember who.
David frowned.
- She doesn't remind me of anyone.
Oscar was quiet again. She knew exactly who Pamela was reminding him of. Except her hair, she was like a twin sister of Phoebe. The girl he had fallen in love so many years before. But Phoebe was dead. He was there, when she died. He closed his eyes briefly and for the first time in all those years, he could see Phoebe clearly.
"I know you better than you think."
"My name's not Pamela."
" I can't hate you more than I already do."
" I'm not a die hard fan, I'm in love with you."
In his head, Phoebe's face turned into Pamela's.
"You wouldn't recognize me if I came to you being blonde."
Oscar opened his eyes in shock.
- Shit.


Wednesday 25 June 2014

Pamela knew that the dress she was wearing was too revealing. But, this had to be the case tonight. David had to notice her. And she was sure that he was going to do so. Like she had promised herself before, she wasn't going to break any family. It seemed liked that now though, but still. Pamela's intentions were never these. Her eyes were checking the whole club at that exact moment. She knew that David was going to enter from time to time. She knew it because Neymar would be with Giovanna here soon. Giovanna was going to distract her boyfriend and meanwhile Pamela was going to keep some company to David. She smirked. She wasn't interested in David, neither was going to be tonight. She'd just made sure that he'd drink a lot tonight and then she'd have her ways with him. Nothing could possibly go wrong tonight. With Neymar being occupied, nobody's was going to ruin her plan. She already knew that Maria was going to have dinner with Marcia, so everything was going as planned. Her eyes checked a guy that was sitting across her. He must have been staring, cause a smile spread to his lips as long as Pamela laid his eyes on him. Her attention came back though to the entrance of the club. And there they were. David was the first one she noticed and then Giovanna and Neymar. Giovanna's face though wasn't that happy. In fact, Pamela could tell that she was concerned. She was looking all around the club and when she spotted Pamela, her expression paled even more.
Something's wrong.
She questioned what, but there was no need to, cause after Neymar, Oscar was the one to enter the club. Pamela's jaw dropped open.
What was he doing here ?
She made her way towards them, faking a smile on her face. She was going to get to David's pants whether Oscar was here the whole night or not.
- Hi, it's great to see you guys!
She exclaimed, kissing both David's cheeks at first. She then hugged Giovanna. She had in mind that Neymar was staring at her suspiciously, but she decided to ignore it. And then, it was Oscar.
- Won't you greet me ?
He asked, smiling. It was a genuine smile, she could tell. Knowing that the others were staring at her, she leaned to place a kiss on both his cheeks. Oscar didn't let her though. As long as she came closer, he put his arms around her, closing her into his hug. Pamela was taken aback. Oscar was hugging her as if he was afraid to ever let her go. But this wasn't the weirdest part. Pamela knew that Oscar whispered in her hair;
- I've missed you.
In that moment, she felt her eyes filling with tears. If he only knew how much she had missed him. Everything about him was just so addictive. Pamela took a step back, freeing herself from his hug.
- Let's go to the others.
She suggested, noticing that the other three of them, had already made themselves comfortable in a table. Oscar's thumb ended on her cheek, wiping a tear away.
- Why haven't I noticed earlier ?
He asked mostly himself. Pamela swallowed hard.
- Just...let's go to the others.
She insisted but Oscar didn't even moved.
- What's your plan for tonight Pamela ?
He asked her.
- I just want to have fun. With all of you.
She replied, faking a smile again.
- You don't have to pretend. I know everything.
Pamela swallowed hard again.
- Let's just go to the others Oscar.
- Ph...Pamela...
Pamela felt her hands shaking. This couldn't be happening.
- You're making this so awkward Oscar. Please. Let's go.
Oscar took her hand in his. He felt the urge to kiss her knuckles, but he knew that Neymar and David were watching. And they must have questioned what was taking him so long. Oscar had realized what was the case with Pamela, but he hadn't told a soul. He couldn't do it. The only thing he could do, was for him to hope that Pamela was going to stop what she was doing. Pamela was watching him, the fear obvious in her eyes. What had she expected ? To fool everyone apparently and she had done so, everyone apart from Oscar.
- Can we go and talk somewhere privately ?
He asked.
- No.
- Please. I want us to talk.
- No. Let's go to the others and stop touching me in any way possible, or do you want me to tell your wife ?
She asked, freeing her hand from his hold. Oscar chuckled.
- That's what you have planned for me ? To tell my wife that I'm unfaithful ?
Pamela laughed.
- No, silly. This is David's faith. You are going to have a lot more trouble. I mean that.
- I deserve it Pamela. Whatever you have in mind to do to me, I deserve it. But don't mess with Neymar or David.
Pamela smirked.
- I'm not making exceptions Oscar. You should have known this.

Revenge ft. Neymar Jr., David Luiz, Oscar Emboaba {completed}Where stories live. Discover now