Chapter 16

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Thursday 26 June 2014

Pamela was staring blankly at the wall as Giovanna came and sat beside her.
- What are we going to do Giovanna ?
She asked, her voice about to trail of. Giovanna tried to be calm, but she wasn't.
- It was an accident Pamela, and seeing your face she must have asked for it.
Pamela's eyes opened in shock.
- What are you even talking about ? I...I killed her. I killed someone.
She laid back on her couch. She didn't mean to hurt Maria, but that woman attacked her and all Pamela did, was push her away, then Maria lost her balance, fell to the floor, hitting her head on the ground. And then, everything was covered in blood. And now Maria was dead. Pamela had called Giovanna immediately not sure what to do. Because Maria was dead. Pamela had killed her.
- Listen; it's late, I've got to go back, because Neymar will start suspecting things, he already knows that something's of with you. Try to relax.
- Are you kidding me Giovanna ? I just killed someone! Someone's dead because of me! I can't just relax!
Giovanna rubbed her back. She was trying to be cool, but Pamela was right. She had just killed someone. David Luiz's wife to be exact.
- I didn't want to do that, but you leave me with no choice. You'll have to take your pills, so to get some sleep.
Giovanna suggested. Pamela looked at her as if she was crazy.
- No. I'm not doing that, I haven't taken these pills in ages, I don't even know where they are.
She lied. Giovanna sighed.
- It's for you own good okay ? You'll get crazy if you don't relax.
- I'm already crazy! I killed her Giovanna! Can you understand that ? I killed her! I'm here because these losers killed my best friend and I wanted to take my revenge on them, and now I did the exact same thing. I killed someone!
Pamela burst out crying. Giovanna hugged her tightly in an attempt to comfort her.
- Don't cry Pamela. I'll have your back through all of this shit.
- I didn't want to kill her, I swear!
- I know.
While Pamela was crying in her arms though, Giovanna's mind was working to their own good.
- I've got an idea.
She said. Pamela wiped the tears from her eyes.
- What ?
She asked with a shaky voice.
- We need to carry Maria's dead body away.
- To bury it ?
Pamela asked.
- No.
- Then ?
- You'll see.


Thursday 26 June 2014 at night

Pamela was in her hotel room, legs crossed, checking her phone. Giovanna was supposed to send her a message, confirming that everything was going according to plan. But she hadn't yet. Meanwhile, Pamela decided to book a room in a hotel. She couldn't sleep in the house. Somehow she was afraid that Maria was haunting it. She knew that sooner or later, David was going to search for his wife. And then, that was it. She would be exposed. The phone vibrated in her hands, scaring her. Unknown number. That wasn't good. Should she picked it up ? She did. She didn't say anything, on the other end of the line, there was also silence.
- Phoebe ?
A whisper.
- Who is it ?
- Oscar.
For a minute, she felt relieved. But then, worry took the best of her again. Why was Oscar calling her ? Wasn't he supposed to be mad at her ?
- What do you want ?
She asked. She didn't want to sound harsh but she couldn't help it. She had killed someone after all.
- I need to see you and talk to you.
Pamela nodded, then remembered that Oscar couldn't see her. She gave him her hotel address and hang up. Then, she checked her phone again. No signal of Giovanna. Something had gone obviously not as planned, that's why she wasn't calling. Pamela felt shivers down her spine. That was obviously Karma taking its revenge on her. She wanted to punish those people, yet she was punished in the worst way possible. She checked the time in her phone. If Giovanna didn't contact her in the next twenty minutes, she was going to contact Giovanna. She couldn't risk Giovanna's life, she was the one that had messed up after all.


Thursday 26 June 2014, later that night

Pamela was sitting at the lobby of her hotel, staring blankly at all the people that were passing by. She questioned, whether anyone could notice that she had killed someone today. She felt as if all these people were thinking like that when looking at her. She couldn't take it. She couldn't believe that this was true either. She couldn't believe that Maria was dead, all because of her. Of her clumsiness. Maria has just lost her balance, hit her head hard and died. Pamela knew that she shouldn't have pushed her away. But what to do ? Maria had attacked her. Pamela didn't realize when did Oscar enter the hotel, he looked worried though. And more handsome than ever. Pamela stood up to caught his attention. Oscar's eyes had dark circles under them. He smiled weakly at Pamela but when approaching her, the smile vanished from his face.
- What the fuck ?
He asked, touching her face. Pamela's face paled.
- Who did this to you ? Who scratched your face ?
Pamela refused to reply, she was aware that people were staring at them.
- Phoebe...
Oscar shook her to caught her attention.
- I scratched my cheek accidentally. I've got pretty big nails.
She lied. Oscar nodded, but he didn't believe her, therefore he didn't say anything. Not anything that had to do with it at least.
- Phoebe, I...
He paused, cleared his throat.
- I wanted to say that I'm sorry about the other night, but...but it had to be this way. I love my wife and what happened, was clearly a mistake. I'm sorry. Phoebe, we can't be what we used to...I hope you can understand that. Marcia...she was devastated the other night. I can't stand to treat her that way.
- It's okay. I never contacted her though. I want you to know that.
Her expression was calm. But she was burning inside. She wanted to shout at Oscar, she'd never ask for him to cheat on his wife. She'd never ask for him to leave his wife for her. That thought had never even crossed her mind. Her heart had broken in a million pieces, but Marcia didn't deserve to have her heart broken as well. Oscar bit his lip while staring at her. He didn't know what to think himself. Everything was so complicated. The only thing he knew for sure, was that he wanted Pamela out of his life as soon as possible. But not before kissing her goodbye. And not just metaphorically.
- What do you want so you'll leave ?
He asked, a little more rudely than he actually intended to. Pamela blushed. Truth was, she hadn't even realized herself what she had gotten herself into. Now that Maria was dead, she couldn't just leave. Not without everyone suspecting that she had something to do with it. Everyone had noticed after all how she was acting when David was around. Karma had hit her hard. Lost in her thoughts she didn't even realize that Oscar's fingers were touching her cheek. She only came back to reality when his thumb touched her bottom lip, parting her lips. Pamela gazed up at him straight into his eyes. Oscar didn't hesitate, he leaned and placed his lips on hers. Pamela didn't kiss him back immediately, she did though when Oscar's hand moved to her lower back, rubbing it softly. Pamela knew that the people in the lobby had started staring at them which made her feel awkward. Oscar's phone though vibrates, making him break their kiss, his hand never leaving her back, instead holding her, maybe afraid that she'd leave.
- Hello ?
He stared at Pamela and when heard his wife's voice on the phone, as if feeling guilty, left Pamela's back.
- Marcia, calm down, what do you mean she's missing ?
Oscar's voice was full of worry, Pamela's face had paled. She knew who was missing.
- I'll be there in a minute.
Oscar said, hanging up. He turned to face Pamela.
- Maria, David's wife is missing.
Pamela couldn't form a word. Oscar took this as a worrying sign.
- Don't worry, I'm pretty sure nothing's happened.
He said, touching his lips with hers.
- Are you going to your wife ?
Pamela asked, regretting it the exact same moment. Oscar nodded.
- I'll call you to tell you if Maria was found, but don't worry, I'm sure she's okay.
Pamela felt more guilty than ever. She was the only one alongside with Giovanna who knew that Maria wasn't okay. Maria was dead. Because Pamela had killed her. She didn't mean to do so of course, but she couldn't take her actions back now. She wanted to scream to Oscar that she killed Maria, but she didn't trust him enough to do so. Oscar would most probably tell everything to everyone and Pamela would end up in jail, having done what she came here to take her revenge for. She had killed someone.


Thursday 26 June 2014

Pamela entered her house only to find Giovanna washing her hands. The blonde looked at Pamela tiredly.
- Everything's under control.
She said. Pamela raised a brow.
- What do you mean ?
- The dead body is where it should be.
Giovanna explained.
- Which means ?
- Which means, don't worry. The police is going to arrest David. The dead body is in the basement of his house. He never goes there so he won't even think about looking there.
Pamela paled.
- He reported Maria missing.
She informed Giovanna. Giovanna's eyes opened wide.
- R...really ?
Pamela nodded.
- Good to know. He won't ever guess it. We're going to make an anonymously phone call to the police and he'll end up in jail, like he deserves.
Pamela nodded.
- Pamela...
Her head jerked up.
- Yes ?
- How did you know that Maria was reported missing ?
Pamela's pale face turned into a red one.
- I was with Oscar now. And Marcia called.
Giovanna nodded, sympathy all over her eyes.
- How's Oscar ?
Pamela bit her lip.
- I think Marcia knows. That we slept together.
Giovanna nodded.
- What are you going to do with him Pamela ?
- Honestly ? I don't know. There's not much I can do.
Giovanna hugged her tightly.
- What does he want to do ?
- He wants me out of his life. And I know why. How can I destroy his life ? I can't. I love him.
- If you do love him, I suggest you win his heart.
Pamela tilted her head, her expression being full of melancholy.
- This is not how this works Giovanna. As people say, if you love someone then let them go.

Just wanted to say tomorrow I'll update another story with Isco.
Thanks for the support on this one,

Revenge ft. Neymar Jr., David Luiz, Oscar Emboaba {completed}Where stories live. Discover now