Chapter 6

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Wednesday 18 June 2014

Giovanna's mouth dropped open as Pamela exited her bedroom.
- Oh my God! You have no idea how beautiful you are! Please, let me take a photo of you!
She exclaimed.
- You're indeed beautiful.
Andrea added. Pamela faked a smile. She didn't give a damn if she looked good or not right now.
- Thank you girls, but isn't that dress a little too much for an event like this ?
- Are you kidding me ? Of course it's not! It's the only dress you should be wearing tonight! God, you look so...well, you always look good, but with this, just don't get me started Pamela. Now pose nicely, that'll be the best photo, I've ever taken!
Giovanna said, ready to capture her in that red dress of hers.
- Ready! It'll be the best photo in my next exhibition.
She clapped her hands like a small child.
- Giovanna, can you do my make up ? You know that I suck in these things ?
Andrea asked.
- Of course. Come with me. Pamela, you'll find us in the living room. And don't you dare decide for another dress, although you know what ? I've got a short, black one in the back of my wardrobe. Try that too.
Pamela nodded, watching them leaving. She entered the bedroom, Giovanna and Neymar shared and closed the door behind her. She looked all over it, raising an eyebrow.
Lucky bastard. How can someone like you have so much fame, money and an incredible girlfriend that you totally don't deserve ?
She sighed. She may hate Neymar more than the three of them. No. That wasn't true. She knew who she hated more. He was the one to betray her more after all. She entered Giovanna's wardrobe to get rid of the dress. She wouldn't search for the short, black dress the girl had mentioned. She just unzipped the one she was wearing when she heard someone calling Giovanna. It was like Neymar's voice. Yes. Definitely his voice. Pamela remembered it very well. She decided to ignore it, until she felt two hands on her hips.
- There you are, you look so hot.
Neymar whispered in her ear, turning her around and placing a kiss in her lips. Pamela pushed him away.
- I had no idea that you fancied me only after a day you met me.
Neymar's eyes opened in shock.
- I thought...oh...I'm sorry. Where...Where's Giovanna ?
- In the living room.
She replied, smirking.
- I'm sorry. Pamela, isn't it ?
Is there something wrong with your memory, Neymar ?
- Yes. Pamela.
- I'm really sorry. I thought that it was Giovanna. You know, judging from behind I couldn't tell with both of you being blondes. And with that dress. It's her favorite.
He said, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.
- It's okay. I'm not going to tell her. Of course that may cost something.
- W...what ?
- You've heard me. Or do you want me to repeat that, Neymar ?
- What the hell's wrong with you ? Do you want money ?
Pamela laughed.
- I don't need your money, Neymar.
- Then...?
- Baby are you here ? I heard you calling!
Giovanna's voice made both of them look at the direction of the door.
- Here you are! How was practice ?
She asked, pecking his lips. Neymar wanted clearly a moment to process all of these.
- was good.
- I'm so glad. You're coming to the exhibition tonight, right ?
She asked, looking at him straight into the eyes.
- Of course.
Neymar glared at Pamela who had a smirk on her face.
- Oh, you saw Pamela in the dress, right ? Isn't she a goddess ? I suggested her wearing that in the exhibition tonight, what do you think ?
Neymar swallowed audibly.
- Yes. She looks nice.
- I knew you'd agree.
Giovanna smiled. Pamela smiled too. Genuinely this time. She was happy. It wasn't a big deal, but the kiss she shared with Neymar could cause him a lot of trouble and Pamela was excited only in the thought of it. And that wasn't even her plan.


Tuesday 17 June 2008

- Can you believe it ? She acted as if nothing happened. Are you sure that I attacked her ?
Kibibi whispered in Phoebe's ear.
- Well, yes. I wouldn't remember it but you interrupted us and...
Kibibi looked at her with raised eyebrows.
- I interrupted you ? What do you mean ?
Phoebe's cheeks turned red.
- I mean,...yes, interrupted us. Me and David. We were chatting at that moment and then he had to separate you from Judith.
Kibibi nodded.
- Did everyone had a bad time at that party because of me ?
- No. I didn't have a bad time, I can reassure you.
Phoebe replied smiling.
- What do you mean ? You're acting...I don't know, strange ? Weird ? Are you alright ?
- Yeah, yeah. I'm fine.
She felt her cheeks heating up again, in the memory of Oscar kissing her. Kibibi raised her eyebrows at her.
- So what did you do at the party exactly ?
She asked her.
- Nothing much. Chatting with David. And dancing with you. Before you were drunk.
- Aha. I see. Did you meet anyone ?
Phoebe's cheeks remained red.
- No.
I already knew him.
- But if you had, you'd tell me ?
- Yes, why not tell you ?
- I don't know. I'm just asking. Anyway, back to Judith. I've started thinking that maybe what David said was true. She's not interested in Neymar. It's obvious. She didn't even care. I told her " I'm sorry for behaving this way" and she said; "it's totally fine, I think you misunderstood what happened with Neymar." What do you think ?
Kibibi asked her friend but it was hopeless. Her eyes had found Oscar kicking a ball. She bit her lip without her realizing it.
- Phoebe ?
Kibibi waved a hand before Phoebe's face. She blinked a couple of times and looked at her Brazilian friend.
- What is it ?
- I asked you what do you think about Judith and Neymar.
- Oh, well,...I don't know. They're not cute together that's for sure and you are way better than her.
She replied, checking Oscar with the corner of her eye.
- You think ?
- Yeah. Totally.
- Maybe you're right...but I really don't know. Oh, look! Neymar's there! I need to talk to him.
Kibibi said and she was gone before Phoebe could say anything. A few moments later, when realized that Kibibi had left for good, she slowly approached Oscar.
- Hi.
She said at him. Oscar smiled.
- Hi.
He continued, kicking the ball. Phoebe spoke again.
- I'll try to score against you. You can be the goalkeeper.
She suggested. Oscar laughed.
- Do you really want to do that ?
- Yes. Let's see who has better free kicks.
- I don't think you mean that.
- I do. Try me.
- O...kay.
Phoebe managed to block only one of Oscar's kicks. He smiled proudly at her.
- Not bad. You could have blocked...none.
- Funny. Let's see how many you can block.
Oscar didn't block more than three himself. But Phoebe hadn't finished her kicks when one of them, send the ball in Oscar's nose.
- Shit! I'm bleeding.
Oscar complained.
- Really ? Oh my God! I'm so sorry Oscar, I didn't mean to.
She run to him, taking his face in her hands.
- You're not...liar!
She accused him. Oscar let out a small laugh.
- You got worried, didn't you ?
- No, I knew you were faking, since the very start.
She lied. Oscar made her look at him, leaning closer to her.
- So, you told Kibibi, that Neymar was the one to invite you to the party and I wonder why.
He teased.
- I...I don't know. It felt right. You actually care ?
- Maybe I do and maybe I don't.
- Mmm that's actually really helpful.
- You think ?
Oscar asked, his lips only inches away from hers and although he seemed to be the one to kiss her, Phoebe just crashed her lips to his. It wasn't like the previous kiss. No. That was a lot more intense, including feelings and tongue.
- Umm...Oscar ?
They pulled away, as someone called Oscar's name. Phoebe was relieved that it was just Rafinha. Or so she remembered his name was.
- I just wanted to ask you, if you wanted to play football with us. But since you've got other things to's okay. I'm just borrowing your ball. And I swear, I haven't seen anything. I came after you pulled away, so don't worry, I didn't see you kissing. Or eating each other's lungs because that seemed more like it than kissing.
Phoebe's cheeks turned red again and she guessed that so were Oscar's.
- I'm...I'm coming.
Oscar replied. Rafinha nodded, took the ball with him and made his way to where the others were.
- Is he going to tell anything ?
Phoebe asked. Oscar sighed.
- I don't think so, but I'm going to talk to him anyway. So, don't worry okay ?
- I don't worry. I just think it's better not to tell anyone, since it was just a kiss that obviously meant nothing.
- Yeah that. It clearly meant nothing. Don't think that I like you or something.
- What are you talking about ? I don't like you either. And you know what Kibibi said ? That I'm too good for you, and she'll never believe that I hooked up with you anyway. Not that I did. It's not even considered a hook up. Just a kiss. We just kissed. You're an awful kisser by the way.
Phoebe said.
- Really ? You didn't seem to bother when your tongue was down my throat.
- What are you talking about ? You were that kissed me!
Phoebe said but felt awkward when saying that after the way she crashed their lips.
- Yeah right.
Oscar smirked.
- You know what ? Go play football with your friends. I don't even know why am I talking to you. You're an idiot and so immature! You think that I can be that stupid just falling for you when obviously this isn't the case! And I meant it when I said that David was the hottest guy there. I wouldn't even have glanced twice at you if you hadn't invited me to that party.
- You didn't have to come you know.
- But I did the mistake of coming.
- Your problem.
- Of course it's my problem. I could have stayed at home, minding my own business and I'd really have preferred it because you're a complete dick. I'm pretty sure you invited half of the girls at that stupid party anyways.
- And this concerns you because...
- It really doesn't. I've had enough with you. Go play football.
Oscar glanced at her.
- And you ?
- Me what ?
- What are you going to do ?
- None of your business.
- Seriously ?
Phoebe let out a breath, she hadn't realized she was holding.
- I'll probably go home. Or go find Kibibi.
Oscar nodded. He glanced at her one last time. Phoebe did the same. Without hesitation, he grabbed her waist, bringing her body close to his and placing a kiss in her lips parting them with his tongue.
- Umm...Oscar ?
They pulled away to see Rafinha again.
- What is it ?
Oscar asked frustrated.
- I just wanted to tell you that we already have teams, so hurry.
- Okay, I'm coming.
And he did, but not before kissing Phoebe again.

Revenge ft. Neymar Jr., David Luiz, Oscar Emboaba {completed}Where stories live. Discover now