[A Memory of Summer: Noah]

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"Don't you think I have any self-control?"

The words linger in the air of an old bar together with the thick and strong smell of alcohol. For someone not used to the smell, it would almost have created a gag reaction. A boy with dark brown curls and grey eyes are with a shaking hand reaching for the bottle someone is trying to take away from him. The woman before him is a few years younger and in the summer heat with her blouse casually open, she would easily attract many people's eyes.

But not this ones.

His name is Noah Moore and he often made it his mission to never remember a face of someone beautiful for too long. His mother had been beautiful, but she had still died and now that beauty was long gone with her nostalgic soul. All destroyed and forgotten, but apparently not by everyone.

Left in a world where he had lost all kind of knowledge of his place and importance, he had left "what he thought he knew", as soon as he turned 18 and had set his sails for something unwritten. Somewhere which hadn't a plan for him, where he was a stranger in the dark night. Moving his flashlight over adventure after adventure.

He had after all been left behind with not as much of an explanation, so what was "beauty" when you thought about it? It was just a mask of something you could lure in people with. Get them to love you before they got to know your personality, get a tight grip on their heart and then crush it without shame or remorse.

"Don't you think you've had enough?"

A loud laugh interrupted the silence that followed from the bartender trying to take away a bottle that a customer was way too intoxicated to use. She looked at him as he threw his head backward as he rose from his seat and took the bottle from the woman that had tried to tell him what to do, she looked both amused and surprised as the man took off running out from the bar and disappeared from her eyes.

Outside a shallow and, from this man's eyes, a rather boring sunset had started to color the sky. Shifting from orange to pink and a soft red. It was still warm the cold liquid felt satisfying good against this man's throat. Some might ask what this man had seen abroad. But if you asked him the answer would be, what hadn't he seen?

The life of a traveling soldier wasn't easy. In the beginning, it had been a lot of excitement as he had been given the chance to travel around the world and he had been paid well for doing smaller things. For some these "smaller things", might seem big. But after being sent to Afghanistan for months, it was nothing in comparison.

Gunshots ringing in your ears at night, the cries from dying children, to be woken up by sirens,  never know if you would see tomorrow as you had been given orders to move into a new area... It all really made a strong impression on anyone. But nothing would ever compare to coming "home".

Because for the man that was now walking down the streets where he grew up, at this place, there would always be grenades falling and someone screaming for their life.

After walking for what according to the ache in his body seemed like hours but was probably not even close to that he came to a place where he had always gone as a child. A cliff looking over the view of a soothing sea, for a long time this view had attracted a lot of tourists, but after some time, they had all stopped coming maybe they realized this town was just as dead as the spirit of this town.


Why did that name seem so familiar? In front of the man, the ground had started to get blurry but as if the name had sent of something in the man the ground started to shine red. It was warm and it hurt his feet as he walked on it. He started to run as an explosive anger started to build up in him.

"Someone is coming."

Those green eyes, they glowed with the intention of betraying.


In the blurry environment, it was only his face that was in focus. Why did this boy look so happy? After all that he had destroyed, how could he not suffer?

"When did you come home?"

That girl, where had he seen her before. Why was she with him, didn't she understand the hurt those green eyes would cause? He was dangerous, and as the soldier that this man was he had to save her.


But the girl on the ground was too slow. As the boy and the man were already standing up it was just so easy for the stronger one of them to get his hands on the smaller boy's neck. The fear in the boy's eyes as he looked up at the man spoke of surprise, he had not in any way been expecting this and the shock of it left his limbs useless. The man moved quickly towards the edge and the waves that from this height seemed like a good amount of space between them.

"No more pain."

Who's scream was louder?


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Your dearest,

6th of April

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