[A Closure of Summer]

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Dearest reader

Memories of Summer: 16th of June 2018 - 17th of August 2018


For me, the summer has come to an end. Another year of school is starting and for those of you who read this, I hoped that you enjoyed this journey as much as I enjoyed having you here. More books are to come on this page, but this was the last we heard of Laura Collins and Liam Moore.

Seriously thank you, yes you, you whoever you are and wherever you come from for taking your times to read my words.  

They together with many others thank you dearly for hearing their memories.

My books will always be my safety, my comfort, and my best friends. Whenever I am unsure about life it was always something else I was sure of and that during my life has given me so much strength which I guess I could write a book about in itself (lol).  

The inspiration for this book was something that I did. I didn't cheat but still, I can wonder if it hurts just as much. Best friend, this one is for you. The boy that I would walk through fire and cross oceans for, please forgive me.

(Yes, I know you have said that I am already forgiven, but as you read this you might actually understand how sorry I am.)

But yes once again a big thank you to anyone reading this.

An even bigger thank you to the readers from the following countries who choose to support me when this book was still ongoing.









Once again, thank you for your time and I hope to see you in my coming books. Until then, take care.

Please vote on this chapter <3

So for now.. Keep reading.

Your dearest,

6th of April

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