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Suicide Attempt
[Judy POV]

It's now lunch and we all sat together. I've heard more about this Nathan dude and it wasn't what I expected. Everyone says he's a player and doesn't follow rules. All the boys say that he has at least f*cked every girl, especially Blaire, except for me and the nerds. That was enough information for me to try and avoid him for the rest of the school year.

Tyler, Sarah, Mike, Hunter, Justin, Kevin and I walked out towards the bleachers to eat our lunch in peace.

"So, why didn't you come to school Judy?" Mike asks.

"Umm I didn't feel like it?" I say but it came out more like a question.

They nod their head in unison and turn to a frustrated Tyler who couldn't get the plastic wrap off his burrito. We all laugh at his flustered face and he hands me the burrito. With one swift move I take the plastic wrap off and hands he burrito back. Tyler stares at me with shock and I give him an innocent smile.

"H-how?" He manages to say.

We all continue laughing and telling each other stories. Once we heard the bell ring, we rush back inside to get to our classes before we were late.


It is finally after school and Tyler has detention for talking to Hunter in Maths. I walked to my car and dropped off my bag inside but took my sketch book and a pencil. I decided to go to the football field to draw under a tree. I saw Nathan and Dylan playing with a football while Claire and her sidekicks laugh at them while I sit under an oak tree, drawing. I start sketching myself playing football and laughing with Tyler as I score a goal.

I was halfway done when the football rolls beside me. I put my sketch book down and pick the ball up. A very sweaty Dylan is now next to me and motions for me to kick it to Nathan who was staring at me and the girls laughing at me, thinking I would not be able to kick it to him. I roll my eyes and aim the ball at Claire. I kick it high up and when gravity pulls it down, it hits right on top of her head.

"Goal!" I shout and punch my fist in the air.

I can now see Nathan and Dylan on the grass laughing like hyenas and rolling around the grass while clutching their stomachs. Claire bursts into tears and runs off the field, followed by her sidekicks who just glares at me.

"Come play with us football," Dylan tells me, once he stopped laughing.

I nod and run up to Nathan who has the ball in his hands.

"First one to steal the ball from me with their feet gets a free lunch on Monday," Nathan tells us and we instantly nod.

He throws the ball in the air and starts kicking it so it wouldn't fall on the ground. Dylan goes and tries to steal it but instantly fails and falls on his butt. Now I go and I kick the ball away from him when it was in the air. It lands straight in my arms and Nathan looks shocked. I shake my head and laugh at the thought of the 'bad boy' buying 'the nerd' lunch.

"You have to buy me lunch on Monday," I say, sticking my tongue out like a child.

He rolls his eyes and sighs. "What do you want to eat on Monday?" He finally asks.

"Ham sandwich, an apple and some berry juice," I tell him, pretending to stroke my imaginary beard.

Dylan gets up from the ground and pouts, "I want a free lunch too!" He shouts at Nathan in a baby voice.

I laugh at his actions when he folds his arms across his chest. Nathan walks up to him and whispers something in his ear. Dylan just nods and they head back into school.

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