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Team Tryouts
Judy POV

It was lunch, Tyler, Mike, Hunter, Justin, Sarah and I headed towards the field in our football jersey and football shoes, that had studs, but Sarah wore her normal clothes and shoes. In a distance we saw six boys stretching and talking. Once we reached them they start laughing at me because I was dressed in a football jersey. I roll my eyes but start stretching while Sarah went to sit at the bleachers.

"Yo Tyler! So this is your sis huh?" One guy walks up to Tyler and does those fist bump thingy guys usually do.

"Yeah. Believe it or not, she's better than me in football," Tyler tells the boys. Their mouth instantly hangs open as they stare at me.

"Okay sis, this is Noah, Josh, Kevin, Kent, Karl and Daniel," he tells me, pointing at each of the boys while they wave a me.

Noah walks up to me and whispers in my ear, "I'll take it easy on you because you are a girl."

"Nah, you don't have to be sexist," I shout at him as he starts to walk to Mike.

The boys burst out laughing at Noah as they probably knew what he said. Noah glared at me and rolls him eyes. Tyler though, froze at his place and didn't say anything. Weird. I went to Sarah and told her what happened and she started to laugh her head off. I hear a whistle and quickly run back to the group to find a man with grey and brown hair looking at his clipboard.

"Tyler. Where's your sister?" The coach asks.

Tyler points at me and gives me a warm smile that makes me relax a little more. The coach told us to warm up by running around the field twice, without stopping. We did as we were told and I surprisingly came in first, not that it was a race or anything. I laugh a little at the boys who were panting like they had ran 5 laps.

"Ms. Judy! How did you run that quick and still isn't out of breath?" Mr. Franklin asks, surprise laced in his voice.

I just shrug my shoulders and went to get a sip of water, that was near Sarah. I went back to find the boys lined up.

"Okay, Judy you are going to play against each boys and if you at least win eight games, you're on the team. Play your hardest boys and girl," Mr. Franklin told us.

I nodded my head and smirk at the boys. I played against each and everyone and unsurprisingly won all of them. Mr. Franklin walked back to us after all the games with his mouth wide open.

"Y-you won all of the games, how is that possible," he asks looking at the boys who were now on the floor out of breath. I chuckled at they actions and went to get water. Sarah clapped loudly as I walked towards her. I give a small bow and chugged the water down my dry throat.

"You were amazing out there and if you haven't noticed, a few other boys have come to watch," she said pointing at a gang of boys that had their mouth wide open.

"Umm guys, I recommend closing your mouth so that a fly wouldn't fly in!" I shout at them while chuckling.

Their gaze turns to me and they all stood up and left, leaving me in an awkward state. Oh well. The scores should be up later in the cafeteria. I turn on my heel and walk back to the group.

As I got in sight everyone turned to me and shouted, "Well done Judy, you made the team!" I leaped with joy and thanked the coach and Tyler for supporting me. After a few minutes with my new team congratulating me, I went back to Sarah.

"Why are you blushing?" I asked, curiously.

"I might have a crush on Kevin. And he looked at me and smiled," she mumbled blushing even more.

Oooo this is gonna be fun

What do you think Judy is gonna do?
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