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Judy Who?
[Nathan POV]

I stood outside of the cafeteria where everyone was crowding around a piece of paper that was on a pin board. Apparently there was a girl named Judy that had beaten all of the best players at football practice.

My friends: Matt and Joey, went to the field to see it for them selves and they came back with opened mouths.

"She even beat Noah!" Matt shouted and Joey furiously nodded.

Joey never liked it when any of us lost to games especially to a girl. A freaking girl! I, on the other hand, wanted to meet this 'Judy girl' for myself.

"She's also really smoking hot," Joey adds in.

"Even hotter than Blaire?" I asked and they nodded quickly as they knew how hot Blaire is.

How is that possible? Blaire is super hot and beautiful. I thought no one could beat her with looks.

"Oh and she and Blaire got into a 'fight', Judy won," Joey continues.

How come I haven't heard of this Judy before?

"Oh and she's new to the school," Matt says, as if reading my mind.

Once everyone had enough of seeing the board, they walked off. Now I could see it clearly.

Football Scores from Lunch

Judy vs Mike 3-0

Judy vs Noah 3-1

Judy vs Hunter 3-0

Judy vs Justin 3-1

Judy vs Josh 3-1

Judy vs Kevin 3-1

Judy vs Karl 3-0

Judy vs Kent 3-1

Judy vs Daniel 3-0

Judy vs Tyler 3-2

I know all of the boys except for one, Tyler. Who is he?

Oooo Nathan doesn't know who Tyler is.
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