1. Reunion

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Every other week day was the same, Junhui would rise early for school. It was his final day as a Junior and he only needed one more year to completely leave the "terrible hell hole" he despised so much.

He was a good student; that meaning he turned in his work and completed his assessments enough to get a passing grade. The boy really wished to be anywhere other than school. Jun often tried to sleep in so that he wouldn't have to attend but due to his early rises, he often ended up waking up earlier than his parents on most occasions.

This morning he was especially grumpy since his parents were out of town "picking something up," or so they had told him, leaving him with his cousin who had spent the night playing really loud music and screeching like a hyena.

It's not like Junhui hated music, no in fact that's what he lived for. He had always felt connected to it.

However, when it sounded like a whale choking on a log, who wouldn't be irritated- especially whist trying to sleep?

Starting off to another plain morning, Jun chose to shrug it off, as it was the final day of his junior year.

Before classes, he would always head to the music room that would be empty most of the time.

Junhui was absolutely amazing at singing but more importantly, he loved doing it. It relaxed him in stressful situations.

A few friends acquired him but he was grateful they weren't fake. Jun was simply happy he could call them a family.

The day: boring as hell. Hideous minutes became hideous hours until the dismissal bell let out the hideous students.

Junhui happily headed home, hurriedly.

He wanted to see his parents who seemed to have left about a month ago. The two rascals had often taken work trips so it was rare to see them, making their time together all the more sacred.

As soon as he entered his house, his school bag went flying across the living room. Junhui ran into the kitchen shortly after.

His parents were talking about business most likely but stopped when they saw their son enter the space, breathlessly.

"Mother! Father!" Jun excitedly shouted hugging his parents.

"Junhui!" Both of his parents said in unison, squeezing the life out of the boy.

They stood like that for awhile and they were met with a beautiful silence momentarily.

"Junhui! We have a surprise for you, baby." Mother said caressing his face.

"What is it?" Jun eagerly said, curiosity taking him over.

"Not what, but whom." His father interrupted.

"Pardon?" Jun asked.

Just then, shorter boy came into the room. His face a little blushed and his head facing the ground.

A flash of confusion came across Junhui's face before the realization hit him.


The boy shifted his head upwards, his eyes peeking through his bangs. His blush was now very visible to everyone in the room.

Jun had a clear visual of the smaller boy and began approaching him.

"It is you!"

Jun immediately wrapped his arms around the cute little one and the other boy snuggled into the hug, heating up incredibly.

A few moments later, the two separated from their bear hug but remained close.

"J-jun?" minghao shakily called out.


"Um...I...uh.." Minghao's nerves really had his words disappearing.

"It's okay you can tell m-"

Junhui was cut short by a the younger male firmly pressing his lips to the older.

Minghao was kissing Junhui.

. . .
*New Story*

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