Started With An Ember

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Hey guys! I'm glad you have decided to check out my writing. One thing I'd like to mention is that I copied and pasted this paragraph by paragraph (I was having issues with technology) so excuse any major typos. I DID look back over it and didn't find any though. I spent a long time on this first chapter so give it a shot. Also, votes would be greatly appreciated if you have the time. Comments are so helpful to an author. Thanks!

The cold empty house was a welcome sight to Ember Anala as she unlocked and opened the old rickety door and stepped into the dark house. The Anala house was usually full with people bustling about for Nida Anala's parties and social gatherings, or Karen Anala's parties and all sorts of different clubs. The strangest thing of all was that Ember's father, Toret Anala, was not on the brown leather couch, fast asleep murmuring about tales of his past. Ember had learned many things by sitting in the old, crooked rocking chair listening to those murmurings.

Deciding not to worry too much yet about her father, Ember slumped to her room and dropped her bag on the floor with a slam. It was the last day of school for the week but the Element Affinity Function was tomorrow and all girls had to wear a dress and leave their hair down. Both of which Ember despised. Boys had it easy. Most 14 and 15 year old girls and guys got very excited for the Function and didn't mind that they had to dress up but Ember did. It wasn't that she didn't want to go to the function. She did; she wanted to know what element she had an affinity for and would be training in. In the previous years all students had received basic training in all of the elements. She just didn't want everyone to know what element she got right when she knew and she did not want to have to dress up. Ember was nothing like her mother and older sister. They liked to dress up and go to parties to flaunt their new hair do's and outfits. After years of attempting to force Ember to be like them had gone wrong they had given up, trying only now and then but this, this would refuel their energy.

Ember continued to slouch all the way into the kitchen to munch on a snack. The top cabinet held all of the tasty snacks like popcorn and chips and crackers and plants. Ember pulled down a box of salt chips and grabbed a few and placed them in her right hand. She slammed the box onto the counter and thudded back out of the kitchen. Ember knew it was pointless to be angry about something she couldn't help but that didn't stop her from wanting to disobey the instructor somehow.

Wandering the hallways was a favorite past time of Ember's but she felt there was something she was going to do. Then, remembering her father, she hesitantly shuffled to the bedroom, quiet as a spider, and pushed the door open a crack. Peering through the small crack she could see a bed but the bed was completely flat and made. Ember then searched the whole house looking for her father. After 20 minutes of vigorous searching, she walked outside in defeat. The air was cool and refreshing and it wasn't bright and sunny but instead a little cloudy and gloomy. Just the way Ember liked it. Looking out of the sector she could see two boys walking up the path.

Not wasting a moment, Ember skirted around the back of her house and climbed up into her tree to the very tip top. She was the only person in Helvna that could even climb a tree. Looking down at the boys again, she could see, quite clearly, who they were.

Dune and Ellis were moving at a rather brisk pace to Dune Anala's home. Dune was hoping beyond hope that his twin sister, Ember, was somewhere outside. He and Ellis had things they needed to get ready for the Function that was to be held tomorrow.

"Which element are you wanting to get?" Ellis questioned Dune. Dune shrugged indifferently but replied as if he did care what he got.

"I'm rather hoping that I get Water, but you never know." Dune grinned slyly.

"Well, you know I want Earth. God, I better get Earth." Ellis said in his quiet voice.

"Dude, calm down. More than likely you will get Earth but you know it's all about your personality and each element has a different personality."

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