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HAI yeah Ik such a fucking liar lmao

Okay so MERRY Christmas

This chapter is just kinda like a filler chapter ish idk it's just where Adrien left off when he was talking to Mari so uh short chapter!

I will start posting regularly again but with how many words I Intend to make my chapter this book will end soon maybe after this chapter? Idk

I do kinda want to make more books as I make this one but I might forget and blah blah blah I'm ducking boring


Chapter 13
The Happiness of the past

Third P.O.V
Sorry about what happened in the forest.. it's just when I was younger I.. lost my mother in the forest." Adrien's face fell, he looked at the wooden floor. Tears slowly brimmed his eyes, "I-I'm Sorry, I didn't know.. were the hunters the same people who..you know." Marinette stopped and paused.

Adrien gave a slow nod, still looking on the floor as tears rolled down his cheek. Marinette slowly got up, so he was facing him. She lifted her hand to his cheek and slowly lifted his face to face hers. "Adrien..Your Mother would be proud of what you have become today." She stopped and looked at him.

His tears slowly dried up around his eyes. "If you don't mind.. Can I hear about the story?" Marinette looked away, she cursed to herself. Why would you ask such a stupid question?! He's clearly crying about his mother and you go up and say "HEY CAN I HEAR WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR MOTHER? YEAH THE ONE YOUR CRYING ABOUT" stupid stupid Marinette!

The two stayed silent, only faint cheers and bottle clanking were heard. "S-Sorry it was a stupid question, I'll just leave you be." Marinette broke the silence and got up. Something gripped around her wrist, she slowly turned around to see Adrien's fingers laced around her wrist, gently tugging her to come back.

She obeyed and sat back next to him. "Well.. it started when.."

5 years ago..

"Momma! Can we go hunting? Dad said he couldn't!" Adrien pouted. A blonde woman with ocean green eyes faced the little blonde boy.

"Have you been a good boy?" The woman teased. "Yes! Yes!" Adrien frantically nodded yes. Adrien's mum giggled, "Let's go ask your father first" His mom and Adrien intertwined fingers and walked over to Gabriel's door. "Gabriel Adrien and I will be going hunting, we will be back at sunset." Gabriel nodded and smiled, "Have fun Emilie," He replied.

Adrien and Emilie made there way to the forest and transformed, after awhile they had caught 2 deers. "Mummy! Look I can hear more animals!" Adrien ran towards the sound, "Adrien wait!" His mum had to catch up. Emilie pushed Adrien away making him fall down.

A gunshot was heard. Adrien was pushed behind a tree, he was making eye contact to his mother. All she could do was howl in pain. Another gunshot was heard, she went silent. Maniacal laughs came from the same Bandits who had sh9t his mother.

His eyes were wide open, almost on the verge of crying. He couldn't do anything. He was afraid. Adrien de-transformed And hid behind the tree barely breathing by the traumatic event that had happened right before his eyes. Soon growls were heard, His pack had came.

A bloody fight occurred , only with one survivor. He ran away in fear, his pack looked over to Emilie. Her transformation had worn off, only to reveal a lifeless corpse. Everyone had de transformed, and picked her up. Adrien felt grief, he couldn't even stand.

Tears fell out of everyone's eyes, whether it to be one tear or a million, Everyone was crying.

Few days later..
"Today we are gathered here today, to remember Emilie Agreste. She was kind to all and had a passion no one
had, even when all of us had lost hope about our curse we share as a burden. Madeline gave us hope, and kindness to all... and blah blah blah"

Adrien didn't focus on the speech his father was giving, Tears kept rolling out of his eyes, like a storm. His cheerful thoughts were broken like a twig, grief and depression soon flooded his cheerful mind. He snapped out of it and wiped his tears away when he heard his name.

He stood up, and walked over to the tall table. "My Mother was a good person..and I loved her because she had this kind of aura that made me..happy. Now I may never find that happiness again, but the memory of her will make me happy knowing she was a good person, friend, wife and mother.."

Tears kept rolling out of his eyes, after his speech they finished off the program. Adrien was the last one there, making a few prays. He slowly walked away to his house.

From then on he would always go to her grave, to talk to her whether he could hear her or not, that tradition slowly died as he had more work and other things to worry about.

Back to present..

Adrien stayed silent, tears ran down his cheek onto the floor, Marinette stayed quiet and stared at him. "You look tired..you should get some rest.." She lifted her hand to his face and wiped his tears, all Adrien could do was give a small sad smile.

Marinette tucked Adrien in, finally pulling the blanket over him to his chin. "Where are you sleeping?" "On the floor or armchair." She replied, "Why?" "I don't think it's my place to share the bed with you now, because if your current state" Marinette Replied sweetly.

Adrien's heart swelled with love and warmth, knowing her concern for him. "No, come sleep here with me, it makes it easier to fall asleep knowing your safe and your with me." Pink tinted her cheeks, she sighed and crawled into bed.

The two were on their sides facing each other. Adrien unconsciously placed his hand on her cheek and caressed it, "Thank you.." Adrien whispered, before he knew it she was already asleep. He smiled to himself, he placed his arms around her.

One of his arms slid under her and the other went on top, then gently pulled her towards him making Marinette sleeping on his chest. "I think I've found that happiness again.." he whispered knowing she wouldn't hear it anyway, Adrien pulled her closer and rested his chin on her head and soon drifted asleep.


Ik so many fucking lies ;D since Christmas is over I HAVE DECIDED that I will end the book after this chapter and start writing another one either a sequel or a different one.

Anyway! I hoped you enjoyed this shitty chapter and see you in the next one!


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