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please know that sensitive language is being used after this big space, if your a pretty innocent being please scroll to the "—————" Ty in advance

uH firsT of aLl hOlY shiT 13 veiWs already? MUst be a fuckIng record for Me
And AnoTher hOlY shiT my storY has been aDded to 2 reAdInG lisT thinGs? HolY fucK
I'm just shook. I didn't even know people like my fucking trash. DamN

But thank u for those people who read this trash and could probably be reading something waY better.


Chapter 3

Third P.O.V
Marinette reached the Orphanage, and looked for the little opening the wolves came in. Trying not to make a sound she reaches the outskirts of the forest.

I have nothing else to lose.. she thought, and entered the Akuma forest.

The wind licked her face as she entered, making crunching noises as she walked deeper and deeper into the forest. Not many animals were up at this time, so Marinette believed she was safe. She just needed to make sure she didn't get lost, Tonight was a chilly night, she didn't mind.

Marinette was just happy to be free from her duties as a 'princess'. At this hour she could be...herself, the sound of water running down a stream flowed into her ears. Curious as she was, she followed the stream of water that lead to a lake.

Breathtaking she thought.

Checking if no creature was here, she skipped to the lake. Holding a handful of water and taking a sip of it, She knew this wasn't sanitary but who cares? She was alone in the wilderness.

Well she thought she was alone..

She the suddenly, heard multiple Snaps.

Marinette whipped her head to where the sound was, "is someone there? Hello?" She yelled. No reply. She quickly g9t up and started to venture into the forest.

The deep she went the darker it got, it was up to the point where the trees were covering the sky. Horrible smells filled her nose, almost like someone had died.

Vines started crawling up her leg like an ant on a hill, practically dragging her away. Almost as if they didn't want her to see something.

She didn't want to get trapped or anything so she just avoid it.

Although, walking felt like hours of doing nothing, it gave her the chance to admire the beauty of this lovely forest. She did sometimes feel like someone was following her.

Marinette ended up at the bottom of some cliff, she started looking around for another way up. Finally finding a group of rocks that lead up.

After climbing rocks and she reached the top of the cliff, blinding rays of light hit her face. Her eyes adjusted, and she was in utter shock.

The sun had barely reached the sea line but it looked amazing. After staring at the beautiful sunrise, she decided to head back to the castle.

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