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Hellow hellow! Lmao today I will actually post 2 chapters, they might be like little episodes on how Marinette is going in the village, and more things on the kingdom of Parisilla and more love 😉

It might also be 3-4 because I won't be able to post tomorrow so u know just some extra stuff

Anyway~ This book is already at 132 views, never knew so many people like trash ;DD Jokes aside Thank you soo much! I just do theses for fun and I don't expect many views to come out of them it makes me happy!


You guys can play the song while you read, but there's a special part I want chu guys to play the music at but it's fine xD

Chapter 9
A storm of love and affection

Marinette's P.O.V
I woke up to the sound of Birds chirping, I yawned. The sun was barely up on peeking at the horizon, I ran my hand through my hair, it felt greasy and oily. (#FlippenEverdayProblems) I got a towel and headed downstairs to the bathroom. The warm water ran down my skin and soaked my hair.

It felt nice and cozy, Sadly I couldn't take my 3 hour baths since this wasn't my house, and it's a village that's saving up water.

I got out and slipped into my A line dress. Walking down the hall I noticed all the pictures, and the one that had my Family in it.

My family..

I finished my toast and headed outside, I assumed Gabriel and Adrien were still asleep, I might as well take a walk to the cliff.

I heard a few Mornings and compliments on how I looked today, I smiled and thanked them. I entered the outskirts of  the village, Jumpinging vines and plants were guarding it. Tikki had told me something about them, since I wasn't allowed to escape.

"Find the root of the vine and gently stroke it up to the top of the vine, it will calm the vine down and the rest will follow." I looked for the root and did what she had told me, to my surprise it had worked.

I walked out and noticed the beautiful trees in the sunrise, the sun was still barely up so it made the sky a beautiful orange blue sky, while the clouds were tinted yellow.

I found a short cut to the cliff.

-few mins later-

I had finally climbed up, I took a deep breath to admire the beautiful sun, it looked like a semi circle now. It made me happy in away. The suns rays of light, helping the plants grow, most people enjoyed the sun I did.

Wind came from the sun slowly blowing my cape back a little. It flowed perfectly, while my hair was still on shoulders but some strands would fly up and join my cape.

Words wouldn't be able to describe how amazing that view was,I ignored every other sound, and focused on my thoughts and the sun..

The sun made the sea look a little green, or aqua. It reminded me of someone else who had green in there eyes..

"Morning Marinette" I turned around to be met with Adrien, "what are you doing up so early?" He yawned again, I guess he didn't have enough time to fix his hair because he still had his bed hair.

"Just missed the sunrise that's all" I kept my eyes focused on the sun but my hearing onto Adrien just in case. "Wonderful isn't it?" I nodded in reply.

He scooted over next to me, "Hey Marinette? What are we?" He caught me off guard and I jumped on how close he was, "W-well what do you want us to be?" I stuttered, I adverted my eyes to his. Amazing..

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