Trust Me

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~ The Next Day ~

Casually entering the office, I looked around for Jimin to give him back his shirt I borrowed yesterday.

I spotted him at the beverage station just sipping on his drink, so I hurriedly approached him.


My sudden call of his name caused him to choke on his drink, making him cough.

"Shit, you scared me." He said as he calmed his breathing.

"Sorry. I just wanted to give you your shirt from yesterday." I said as I stuck out his shirt towards him.

"By the way, care to explain the awkward tension between you and Jungkook yesterday?" Jimin suddenly asked as he took his shirt away from my grip.

"Oh, so you knew and purposely left me alone with him?" I asked as I placed my hand on my waist.

"Yep." He replied with a proud grin displayed on his face.

"Asshole." I said, jokingly sticking out my tongue out at him.

"So, tell me?" He curiously asked, utter excitement sparkling in his eyes.

"Psh, it's none of your business." I said as I folded my arms, not wanting to tell him anything that happened between Jungkook and I.

"Fine, I'll just ask Jungkook then." Jimin said, causing me to greatly panic and stop him.

"F-Fine! I'll tell you!" I reluctantly said, letting out a sigh as I ran my fingers through my hair.

"I-I may have confessed to him..."

"About time you did." Jimin said as he let out a scoff, folding his arms as he continued to listen to my story.

"A-And he kind of told me he only saw me as a sister..." I sheepishly muttered, only to be greatly laughed at by him in return.

He continued to laugh his ass off at me, causing me to pout in utter embarrassment.

"I hate you." I said, grumpily turning around as I attempted to walk away from him.

"Alright alright I'm sorry!" Jimin said as he quickly grabbed onto my arm and pulled me back.

"Are you done laughing at me?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him as I crossed my arms.

He was about to burst into laughter yet again, but he held it in and nodded in agreement.

"Look, Hyerin." He said as he gently placed his hand on my shoulder and looked at me with concerned eyes, as if he was about to give me a whole life lesson.

"Although I've only known Jungkook for less than a week, I can really tell he's ignorant when it comes to love." He said in a rather serious tone.

"I don't think he even knows what 'love' is to begin with. So don't be hurt when he tells you he only sees you as a sister, because it's just like you confessed to an innocent baby who doesn't have the slightest idea of what the emotion of 'love' even is." Jimin assured, causing me to look at him in utter amazement.

Woah, is this really the ruthless Jimin I know?

"Jungkook will eventually realize his true feelings for you, and all you can do now is wait. Trust me Hyerin, I'm sure he'll like you." He said, giving me a warm, encouraging smile.

"Wow, I cant believe I'm actually saying this, but you're actually a really good person Jimin." I said.

"You just realized?" He answered back, causing me to burst into laughter.

"Thanks Jimin." I said, genuinely smiling back at him with gratitude.

Jimin simply turned around and waved at me, walking away as he returned back to desk.

I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder, causing me to quickly turn around to see who it was.

There stood Jiyeon, a forced smile plastered on her face that clearly told me she wasn't happy.

"Jiyeon? What's wrong?" I worriedly asked, my heart aching at the fact that my best friend wasn't being her usual jolly self.

"Hyerin... Can I talk to you for a second?" She asked, the sadness in her tone hurting me even more.

"Yeah of course." I said as I walked along with her towards the girl's restroom where not much people were around.

Reaching the restroom, I turned around to face Jiyeon.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Hyerin, please be honest with me." She said in all seriousness, taking a deep breathe as she asked me an unexpected question.

"Do you like Jimin?"

I immediately shook my head in absolute denial, not even having the slightest thought of falling for my best friend's beloved boyfriend.

"Of course not! You know I like Jungkook!" I protested, trying to prove to Jiyeon that I had no feelings for Jimin whatsoever.

"T-Then why are you and Jimin always together?" Jiyeon reluctantly asked, her voice slightly trembling.

"What?" I confusedly asked.

"You two are always genuinely laughing together, as if you two are best friends. I mean, you only met him a week ago, how are you two so close?" She asked, jealousy and bitter distress clearly visible in her eyes.

I had no idea how much I've been causing Jiyeon to worry, making her live her days filled with the fear and anxiety of her best friend falling for her boyfriend.

I felt terrible.

But I guess the fact that Jimin and I actually used to date caused us to regain our close relationship and act like how we used to.

How would Jiyeon react if I told her that her boyfriend and I used to date?

Would she be sad? Would she be furious?

But to clear things up and to not cause her anymore struggles, I knew I had to tell her.

"J-Jiyeon... I have a confession to make..." I reluctantly uttered, mentally preparing myself for her unpredictable reaction.

Jiyeon just continued to stay silent, waiting for me to speak up and tell her what I had to.

"J-Jimin and I used to date..."

Although I was extremely afraid, I gradually looked up at her, only to see an expressionless look plastered on her face.

Attempting to clear up all this misunderstanding, I continued on with my explanation.

"I think that's why we're so close, because we used to have a genuine relationship. But that was during our high school years, and I absolutely have no feelings for him anymore, I promise. I don't intend on liking him or attempt to steal him away from you Jiyeon, trust me." I stated, determination and not a single doubt visible in my eyes.

After a moment of silence, Jiyeon let out a deep, relieved sigh, and attacked me with a hug.

"Thanks for telling me Hyerin." She calmly said, her embrace on me tightening even more.

I gently hugged her back with a genuine smile forming on my face.

"I won't betray you Jiyeon, I promise."

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