this is christmas. (smut)

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Delia had a headache.

She was spending her very first Christmas with Alicia and she was being fucking anoOYing.

"where's MY SANTA PRESENT!!!1" screamed Alicia.

Wat a little btich.

"shut the fuk up alicia u dumbas" said her Dad.

"hehe ROASTED" said Delia wearing her santa hat and red boob tube and white denim skirt.

Im a sxc santa ldy

Delia was not prepared to have a Christmas dinner with fancy cloths, all she brought with her was slutty beach cloth that bearly covered anything, she was ready to get steamy with will anytime.

Her favourite outfit that she brought was a pants top that she made herself. It exposed and covers the rights parts at the right time. And the right time is now.

She was wearing a red boob tube that exposed her bad tan line from camp, her friend put a shape of a dick on her back with sunscreen while she was tanning, so she had a dick on her back.

Also apparently red triggers men want to do the ding a ling.

So she wore red with some Timmy Hilfigar white shits that exposes her buffalo booty.

She topped it off with a red santa hat, she wants Will's candy cane, Will better have her fucking Melk ;) ready !!!!

Alicia is not important bc its DELIA's STORY BITch, so we Will not write about her anymore.

Delia had enough of the bullshit and went back to her room.

Will daddy:

Hi dealia war r u doing

Harry Styles:

Whre is aLAicia???????????????????

Will daddy:

Answer birch

Delia smiled, Will always sent the most romantic texts to her.

She missed him so much, her eyes started to well up in tears.

"I want will, I miss his occasional spank spank on my rack rack, bebe lemme luv yew, I miss you like you miss yout flight." She thought, sadly.

Waterfalls started break out from her eyes.

Skrrrahh, PAP,pAp,ka-ka-ka,skidiki-pap-pap, and a pu-pu-pudrrrr-boom, skya-du-du-ku-ku-dun-dun

Poom,poom, a loud noise was formed and it travelled in Christmas spirit into Delia's ears.

She cannot believe what she was seeing. Since when was Santa skinny, hot, muscular and everything in a man she could possible ask for?

"Hey santa daddy, I see you must have received my noods via polar express" she said with a husky, post dick suck seductive voice.

"Uhm, beby issa me, ya boi, ya boi ded meme, Willy Singey, im here for christmas fuuk." He sang this line to the tune of SATAN tell me with the extra af voice goin up n down.

Up n go is delia's fav drink.

Delia jumped onto Will's butterstick

Skrrrahh, PAP,pAp,ka-ka-ka,skidiki-pap-pap, and a pu-pu-pudrrrr-boom, skya-du-du-ku-ku-dun-dun


"Wow, Will dat was amazinf." Delia gasoed.

"ok bye c u next year." Said Will as he jumped out of Delia's huge, huge, hufe, hufe, Marvan, huge window.

She heard a Skrrrahh, PAP,pAp,ka-ka-ka,skidiki-pap-pap, and a pu-pu-pudrrrr-boom, skya-du-du-ku-ku-dun-dun Poom,poom and ran over to the window sill and saw Will on the ground with a broken leg, crying a lot of water.

"omg beb r u oayk??!1" screamed Delia at him, she really cared about wills legs, if he breaks his legs whos gonna carry her bags when she shops.

She jumped down as soon as possible and she made sure that she landed on Will so she didn't break her leg.

One better then 2.

Will screamed "Skrrrahh, PAP,pAp,ka-ka-ka,skidiki-pap-pap, and a pu-pu-pudrrrr-boom, skya-du-du-ku-ku-dun-dun, Poom,poom"

"OH MY GOD wILL WHAT HAPPENED TO UR VOICE !!!!!!!!!" SHE SCREAMED AT HIM, still standing on him.
He was warm.

"Skrrrahh, PAP,pAp,ka-ka-ka,skidiki-pap-pap, and a pu-pu-pudrrrr-boom, skya-du-du-ku-ku-dun-dun

Poom,poom" screamed Will,

"OH MY GOD YOU'VE RUINED UR VOICE U CANT SING ANYMORE OH MY GOF YOURE GONNA LSE UR JOB AND LOSE ALL MONEU AND I WONT BE ABLE TO BUY MAKEUP OH MY GOD WE"RE OVER BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11/13-950284 im going to Daniel Do- I mean Ryan POTTER!!!!" Delia screamed as she ran away from him towards the road.


Delia came back from Daniel I mean Ryan Potter's house and climbed back into her room and went downstairs for dinner.

She checked her Chap Snap and she ddint have anything. Because she has no fends.


She opened her phone excitedly expecting someone had sent her a message but all that was there was a chap from Team ChapSnap.

"wow I really diunt hav any1 frensdí" she thought. "I need to get back with Will so I can have frendsi."

She contacted Will thru myspace,

DICK Me Delia

Hey bebe, its me your gf delia xoxox.

Willy giver:

Hey babe wassup, why r u texteing to me next to me, me is here.

Dick Me Delia:


Dick Me Delia:

Wait What

Dick Me Delia:


Dick Me Delia:

Hello ???

Wilyl giver:


Delia was so confused.

Will said he was next to her but he wasn't next to her so he was LYING.

Like Doxcar Lyin.

Delia doesn't like liars.

Dick Me Delia:

Comer over here bitch or we are over!!!!1!1

Delia hears a loud noise in her ceiling, suddenly a large figure dropped from her ceiling and landed next to her. Someone screamed like a little bitch.

It was Marvan bc he is a gei boi.

"What the FUCK maran !!!!!!1" Delia whisper shouted "ur gonna exposw me !!!!!!!!! STFU! AND LEAVE !"

"Wassup its Ya boi Ded Meme and I brought Daniel Doyle ma boi and Flynn SunHouse my boi and also Luca cuz hes ma boi." Said Marvan while rummaging around her room.

"Wtf are you LOOKING For, Gei Boi?" asked Delia, annoyed.

Gei Boi was acting like a little betch.

"This." Marvan said as he pulled out a dildo.

It went silento.

"oh shet."


this was a collab with 

aka the girl in the story xoxoxoxoxo

read it all betches

and vote n coment plz

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