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delia was super, duper excited.

her and will were going on a 30 day camping trip in the wild, wild wilderness.

she was excited to do the do with will 30 days straight, but she knew she would have to work hard for it.

they would be walking a total of 5km, so it was gonna be pretty intents.

they drove 5km away from their house to start the 30 day intense journey from melbourne to melbourne.

"you excited bbg?" asked will as he places his hand on her bad tan lined thigh

"i don't care i don't have emotions i'm just weird like i'm so weird is there something wrong with me?" delia questioned, she seriously thought there might be something wrong with her, she didn't care about not doing her makeup for 30 days, and that was concerning.

"oh um idk" will said. he was a bit confused and didn't know where this was coming from.

they finally arrived at the KFC they were gonna start their journey at.

they could see a few people through the orange juice window. but one of those people were none other than WOKSTA.

WOKSTA was a blonde bimbo. he constantly talked about rowing and his hate for izzy.

delia felt quite threatened by his muscles and abs and his hate for lizzy.

only she was allowed to be muscled and have a raging hate for lizzy.

she hated lizzy and her stupid lishabaes.


"don't worry delia, i'll protect u" shouted will, will also felt quite attacked by WOKSTA.

will wanted to be the only cringe kid on the block but unfortunately he wasn't, and with WOKSTA in town, he was losing the battle.

WOKSTA was intensely glaring at lizzy from his table with joint burgers and doxcar lyin.

if looks could kill - lizzy would have multiple stab wounds.

"stupid bitches. i hated wizzy more then WOKSTA when they were dating but now..." delia sighed, she just wished we could go back to the old times - where society wasn't fucked up and just using us for our bodies, faces or when we didn't use each other for the clout. when lizzy was dating WOKSTA for the clout, and everything was simple, when delia was the #1 wizzy hater and hadn't been replaced yet. but time goes fast and things change...

she sighed again.

people love clout

and delia has all the clout, and she's sick of clout hungry hoes tryna get on her gucci.

"i'm fine. let's just walk the 0.16666667 km we have to go today, ok?" delia said softly, she didn't want will to get jealous over her hate for wizzy. will only wanted delia to pay attention to him, and NOTHING ELSE. all on him, just like how he liked his eggs cooked.

"ok mommy" will skipped along, he was so happy to have delia with him, and he wanted to spend the rest of his life with his beautiful, gorgeous, generous, hardworking, youthful, glowing, fabulous, dewy, cute, sexy, adorable face but he knew that was not possible, so he needed to get his kicks while he could still get them.

they walked for a few nano seconds before trying to find a campsite they could stay at for the night.

delia spotted a clearing in a driveway and she dragged will to the spot to set up the tents.

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