WhiteHat and BlackHat

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WhiteHat's pov 

   When I walked into the lab to see how Dr.Slug and Dr.Flug were doing, I saw the other me, BlackHat, looking like he was gonna tear Slug limb to limb and Slug had the same look but towards BlackHat. I started at them for a few seconds before I finally decided to say something.

    "Dr.Slug what is going on in here?" I said looking directly at him.

   "Well me and Flug were talking as we finished the blueprint and we randomly started talking about his boss and how he abuses him. So I asked him why doesn't he stick up for himself and I said that I could beat him in a fight and now we're here." Slug replied

    "Slug that's no way to treat our guest!" I yelled.

    "Well he shouldn't be hitting other people just because they did something wrong and he also shouldn't be eavesdropping!" Slug countered.

   I sighed and walked over to BlackHat. I leaned in close to his ear and whispered "I'm sorry. Slug  tends to do and say things without much thought, I'm so sorry for whatever he had said and done." He looked at me with a 'You have to be kidding me' look. I sighed and said, "If you can leave and act like this has never happen I'll give you an award." He seemed to know exactly what I was talking about as he nodded his head in agreement. He did seem to be the type who would do almost anything for money. 

   I walked him out while I felt the two scientists' eyes on us as we left.

   "I'm hungry, should we go see what there is for lunch in the kitchen?" I asked. 

   "We're demons we don't need to eat." BlackHat stated coldly.

   "You're right, but it is nice to have something in your stomach." I replied.

   "Ugh, fine." That's all he said as he started to walk in the opposite direction of the kitchen.

   "Um, the kitchen's this way" I said as I pointed in the right direction.

   "I knew that, I was seeing if you did." He said as he turned around and started to go the right way.

   I chuckled at how cute his pride can be as I followed him. I have to admit, I have a small crush on the other me, even though I've only known him for a day. He can be so adorable with his pride and his stubbornness. 

   "What are you laughing at?" He said in a tone that would make a normal human scared, but it didn't affect me at all. 

   "Nothing." I said with my usual adorable smile plastered on my face. He looked at me suspiciously, but he must have not seen anything meaningfull in my face. 

   After a few minutes we arrived at the kitchen. The second we walked in a delicious smell tackled our noses. I smiled. 

   "Clemencia must be making lunch." I said as we walked to the table.

   "You got that right Mr.WhiteHat!" She happily said while she was cooking something at the stove. 

   "Clemencia, how many times do I have to tell you, call me WhiteHat, not Mr.WhiteHat." I said smiling at the chaotic looking girl. 

   She was wearing her usual grey vest that is connected to her skirt and her unicorn hoodie that she wore everywhere. She had pink and grey striped leggings on, that had the right leg showing. A light blue leg warmer on her right leg. She had mix max shoes, one is pink and the other was purple. She had one long pink and grey glove that stops at her shoulder and a light blue glove that was like a normal glove. She had her long bright blue hair was in a ponytail that was hidden by her hoodie and had another ponytail in the middle of her hair separating it in two parts. And of course she had her pink bangs, that come out the front of the hoodie, slightly covering her amber eyes.

  "Sorry, sir, but it is a habit." She said without turning to look at me.

   I laughed a bit and turned around to see BlackHat sitting in my seat. If he was anyone else I would have gave him a deaf glare until he got out of the seat. I absolutely hate it when someone sits in my chair. 

   "Um, BlackHat, that is where I usually sit, but I guess I can make an exception, just this once." I said.

   "Did I hear that right?" Clemencia said from the actual kitchen part. She walked out to see for herself. "Oh.  My. God." She looked at me and ran over to me and started to shake me "What is wrong with you? You never let anyone sit in your chair!" 

   I put my hand up to tell her to stop shaking me. She stopped right away. I debated for a moment whether to tell her or not. She hasn't spilled any of my secrets before. I sighed and leaned in to whisper in her ear. "I may have a tiny, itsy bitsy, crush on BlackHat..."

   She made an almost silent fangirl squeal. "Omg! That is amazing!" She whispered yelled. I rolled my eyes, but I smiled. I should have knew that she was going to go full on fangirl fangirl. 

   "Yeah, yeah, shush okay I don't want him to know." I whispered. She nodded. 

   "Does he like you back?" She asked in a whisper.

   "If I knew I wouldn't be telling you to shush about this." I whispered back.

   "Good point, what would you do when he has to go back to his dimension?" She asked while whispering. 

   "I have no idea, I guess I have to make every moment count when I'm with him, now go finish lunch. I'm starving." I said as my stomach picked this as a good time to rumble. She giggled a bit. 

   "Okie dokie" She said in usual loud happy voice and left us alone in the dinner room.

   I walked back to the table where a bored looking BlackHat sat. I decided to sit beside him, well the best I could cuz my chair is at the head of the table so the closest chair was placed at a right angle from my chair. He looked at me for a second before placing his head in his hands.

   I looked at him. How is he so adorable but handsome at the same time? I wish that I looked as good as he does. I sighed a bit knowing that he'll never like me back. He looked at me.

   "What's wrong?" He asked. 

   "Nothing." I simply said.

   "I can tell that something is wrong. The main thing that tells me that is that you're frowning, and I've only saw you frown once and that was when you saw me and not Flug ready to kill each other." He said in a worried toned? No that can't be right. For as long as I known him, which isn't very long but you get the point, he has only cared for himself and himself only.

   "Well, you may not know what it is, but I have this crush, but it seems like they will never like me back..." I said.

   "Why wouldn't they like you back? You seem like a nice guy and as disgusting as that is, normal people would love to be your 'friend'." He said. I sighed again. He doesn't understand what I'm going through. 

   "No, that's not what I meant. I meant that my crush, the person that I like more than a friend, would probably never like me back in the same way." I said trying to explain to him.

   "Why wouldn't a normal person want to be your best friend?" He asked. I faced pulmed and groaned at his ignorance. Which was adorable but also annoying at the same time. 

   "I mean the the person I love, which is you, probably doesn't love me back!" I said as a few tears started to fall from my eyes. I realized what I said so I ran off in embarrassment.

(Wow, this was long. But I made it like that for a reason, and that reason is, I probably won't be able to update during christmas break cuz I'm going to my mom's and the last time I was there she didn't have internet. So I made this chapter nice and long, 1425 words to be exact. This is the longest chapter that I did for any of my stories. But like I was saying I probably won't be able to update during christmas break, cuz I'm leaving to go up north to my mo's on sunday morning. I might update a small chapter before than, but no promises.) 

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