The New Invention

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Flug's pov

   I was working as fast as I could to finish my new invention, because I only have two more days to finish it, or BlackHat will be pissed. I was working on a device that allows one to switch into another dimension. How does it work? Well there is four cubes that you are supposed to arrange in a very specific way, and when done it should make a light blue portal appear. Why light blue you ask. Well light blue is my favorite color, and it's gender neutral. Why would it be important for me to make it a gender neutral color? Well in this day of age it is really easy to offend a lot of people, and if for example I made the portal a girly color like pink many males would be offend because it makes it seem like the portal is for females only. So a gender neutral color makes it so most people are satisfied. I actually make a lot of my inventions light blue for that reason. 

   Anyways, I've been rambling. So let's see what was I saying? Oh yeah. So when the portal is complete you just simply walk through and go to whatever dimension and get what you need for your villainous needs, or heroic, I'm not exactly sure if only villainous get a hold of my inventions. 

   I was almost finished with the last cube. And............ finished! Now it's time to go get BlackHat and show him what I have accomplished! I got out of my seat and stretched. I've been sitting in that chair for hours, possibly even days! I began to walk to BlackHat's office. I looked at the paintings and other artifacts that are hung up on the walls as I walk through the maze like halls of the hat shaped mansion. 

   I finally stop at a pair of giant double doors. "S-sir?" I call out as I gently knock.

   "Yes who is it?! I'm very busy!" I heard him shout from within the room. I take this as my ticket to walk in. 

   "I-I got my n-new invention done, sir." He looked up at me as I said this. 

   "Really? You still have another day left." 

   "I know, I-I've been working on this in my spare t-time for quite a while actually." He stood up and walked over to me. 

   "Let's see it then." 

   We walked to my lab with the only noise acquainting us is our footsteps. I grew more and more nervous the closer we got, a million things running through my head 'What if he doesn't like it? What if it somehow fails to work? What if it blows up?' We finally reach the lab doors, I nervously opened the door and walked in with him following behind.

   "So, where is it?" He asked. 

   "I-it's over here." I stuttered as I lead him to the four cubes that lay on my desk. He looked at them a bit confused. 

   "You interrupted me to show me four squares?!" He raised his voice clearly irritate. 

   "Well technically they're cubes, not squares," I started to speak but got interrupted almost instantly. 

   "What do they do!?" He yelled clearly ready to let all hell loose. I instantly got scared and nervous. 

   "T-they, um, you, um" 

   "Just tell me already!!" He interrupted. I couldn't from a complete sentence, so I instead quickly put them into their very specific pattern. 

   We both watched as the cubes moved away from each other to make a 6 by 4 ft rectangle in the middle of the room. A light blue aura slowly swirled in the middle of the rectangle. 

   "What.. is this?" He asked. 

   "I-it's a portal to another dimension, parallel to our own, s-sir." I stated a it more calm now that he wasn't yelling any more. 

   "So what does it do?"

   "You're supposed to walk through it and do whatever evil thing you need to do, like grab a futurey death ray that is far beyond our time of technology."

   "I see." He said clearly interested. "How about we check this other dimension out than, we can't be selling our viewers something that doesn't work, now can we?" He asked 

   "No, sir." I said. And with that we both walked through.

(Well here you, part one finished. Yay! I've been really wanting to read a Dr.Flug x Dr.Slug fanfiction, but I couldn't find a single one. So I decided to make my own :3 Tell me what you guys think. This chapter has 757 words.)

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