Chapter 3

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I pounded on the brick red door of my ex-boyfriend Jakes apartment. His police car was parked right out front so I knew he had to be home.

“Open up a$$hole!” I shouted through the door as I pounded it again. I had just run up four flights of stairs so I was not in the mood to wait any longer.

The door creaked open to reveal a pair of icy blue eyes staring back at me causing my heart to race slightly. “Oh look what the cat dragged in, so nice of you to stop by Savannah.” He spat with a sinister grin on his face.

I narrowed my eyes at him and pushed my way through the door of his apartment. “Oh do come in…” he said sarcastically and I could just imagine him rolling his eyes like he always did. “What do you want?” He spoke again before I even had the chance to turn around.

“All I want to know is why. Why would you f*#k up my life based on the assumption that I cheated on you? WHY?” I said turning around, jabbing my finger into his muscular chest while holding an intense gaze with his eyes.

“Savannah baby, you were headed down a rough path all I was trying to do is teach you a lesson” he began softly placing his hands on each of my arms “but on the other hand you are a goddamn slut.” He spat once again gripping my arms so tightly I knew it’d leave bruises.

I continued glaring into his bright blue eyes while trying to escape from his grasp.

Well there’s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde for you…

“That’s the thing you never quite grasped Jacob, I didn’t cheat on you! And I didn’t leave you for another guy I left because of this!” I said seething with anger finally escaping his grasp.

“That’s not what Breanna told me, she said she saw you all over that other guy you little wh*re” He said insulting me once again.

“Well let’s break this down for you since clearly you’re an idiot: 1.Breanna is now your girlfriend. This tells us that she made it up so that we would break up. 2. Me and Breanna are polar opposites that live on opposite sides of town, how would she have seen me out with another guy? If you weren’t such an a$$hole and thought with your head instead of your junk maybe it would’ve dawned on you that everything she told you is false.” I said spitting back a slew of my own insults.

“Well it doesn’t matter now I’m happier with her than I ever was with you, but deep down inside that cold little heart of yours I know you still miss me baby.” He said looking me up and down.

This man really needs to get checked out for bipolar disorder like a.s.a.p.

“Okay dude think whatever your little peanut brain wants, but just know I’d rather lick a smelly hippies ball sack than be with a controlling manipulative jerk like you EVER again!” I said quickly pushing past him and storming out of the door. Tears threatened to spill down my cheeks but I held them back. I ran down the four flights of stairs and out the door.

They really don’t lie when they tell you not to date a cop before he becomes one. Jake is not the person I once fell in love with two years ago.

I continued to walk down the sunny street to my own apartment as I started thinking about old memories of Jake and me.


“Hey babes how was work today?” I chirped happily from the kitchen as I heard Jake walk through the door.

“It was okay, really stressful.” He grunted shortly walking over to the table where I was serving dinner. He took a seat when I started plating the pasta I had just cooked for us. I scooped some onto my plate and then onto his. A chill ran down my spine as I was plating his dish, accidentally splattering spaghetti sauce on his work uniform.

Before I could apologize he gripped my wrist tightly almost cutting off my circulation. I looked wide eyed at him in shock my mouth fell open slightly.

“Sorry I just had a rough day…”He said dropping my wrist and looking down at his plate.

We ate our dinner in silence that night and I knew something had changed in him.


I should’ve ran like hell after that day, I should’ve seen the signs.

A/N: Hola bb’s! Sorry for the delay but I hope you enjoy. I also apologize for all of the curse words…. I just saw it fitting since this is a very tense chapter. If you are easily offended by them replace them with animal noises instead! Weeee! Don’t forget to comment and vote. I love me some feedback : ) and I will usually return the favor. –S xx

The Good, The Bad, The Ex (Decisions, Decisions...) ON HOLD!!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin