What you'd do on Christmas Eve with them

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Stanley Uris

He didn't celebrate Christmas, as he was Jewish, but he'd always get you something small on Christmas Eve as you'd be out all day with family. (Sorry if you're also Jewish.)

Ben Hanscom

Eat loads of sweets, and getting hyped for unwrapping all of your gifts tomorrow and basically just having a rave in your room whilst sticking jelly babies to the ceiling.

Beverley Marsh

It'd just be a cuddle and a chat about what you asked for Christmas, but then and now you'd play board games to pass the time.

Richie Tozier

You and Richie would have such a fun Christmas Eve. It would be LITMAS and you'd have a pillow fight whilst calling eachover 'naughty' names.

"COME HERE Y/N, YOU'RE ON THE NAUGHTY LIST!" Richie would yell before whacking you with a pillow.

Bill Denbrough

You'd be fixing the final Christmas decorations in his room, although that Christmas day was the next day, he'd still love putting them up and coating his walls with tinsel.

Eddie Kaspbrak

You too wouldn't do anything rough or playful. He'd get paranoid that if he forgets his inhaler when he goes to your house on Christmas Day and have a panic attack, or asthma, and have to go hospital and won't get any presents.

Mike Hanlon

He wasn't one for being a sIlLy GuY, yet he'd get super excited because he'd get to see some of his family. However, he'd be most excited about setting off fireworks in the field and watching them with you.

Henry Bowers

His dad was never home on Christmas Eve, he was just out partying or banging some random whore out on the street. Although this gave you and Henry some time to actually have some playful fun.

"Did you ask Santa for a pony Henry? Awe isn't that cute?!"

"I didn't mean it in that way! Shut up before I slop-slap you."


Patrick Hockstetter

You two would go absolutely nuts. You'd blast Christmas music, in a joking matter, and prance around your room with eachover. Although, sometimes you'd go a little too mad and tie something to your/his ceiling fan and turn it on, making it whizz around so fast which made you and Patrick die of laughter.


Victor Criss

He'd just want to cuddle in your warm bed, with loads of blankets and watch movies. Christmas ones in particular so it could get him in the mood for the next day.

Belch Huggins

He'd be boasting about Christmas dinner 24/7, and how much of a feast it was gonna be.

"Belch, you've literally been talking about this all day."

"Yeah but you're not listening!"

"If I weren't listening, why would I have just said you've been talking about it all day?"

"Oh, good point."

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