Patrick Hockstetter (HALLOWEEN SPECIAL)

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Thanks to BJBPN2.

"Oh come on, stop being such a pussy Y/N!" Patrick moaned at me whilst he fiddled with the ends of my hair. We where standing face to face but he was towering over me since he was way taller than I was. It was ten pm on a dark and gloomy Halloween night, the air was frosty and thin whilst it nibbled on my cheeks and toes. I shivered lightly as I felt a small gust of wind hit my face my surprise, which made me flinch and whimper as well.

"Well can I atleast go back to my house to get anouther coat?" I furrowed my eyebrows worriedly as I felt myself get even colder than before and put my gaze on the leaf-less trees surrounding us.

"Y/N seriously, you have two on already and a jumper.. and a shirt how can you be that cold?" He rolled his eyes and put both of his hands on each of my arms and started rubbing them up and down to dry and generate heat. "Now come on, we haven't got all day!" He huffed and started trailing off deeper into the woods.

"You mean night." I corrected him, as I lowered my head and put my gaze now on the muddy floor covered in crusty autumn leafs and broken twigs. I heard Patrick scoff as I sighed and followed him to the barrens, to apparently explore the sewers. To be honest, I thought that idea was very strange but I didn't want to argue with Patrick or he probably wouldn't speak to me for days - or even weeks. "Why do we have to explore in the sewers though? It's disgusting in there and we will be walking about in grey water." I shook my head, furrowed my eyebrows and squinted my eyes as I fiddled with the inside of my coat sleeve.

"What the fuck is grey water?" He asked ducking under a low branch on a tree, whilst I could just walk underneath it without ducking. I sighed and lifted my head back up to see nothing but trees again and Patrick's silhouette.

"It's basically just tones of Derry piss and shit." I told him, still feeling disgusted about how we where going to walk in it. I heard him smirk, as I sighed again and saw my breath in the moonlight. I then realised we where no longer in the depths of the forest and now in the barrens. I looked around for my eyes to meet large sewage pipe with grey water trickling out of it, I immediately grimaced at the sight of it - not realising that Patrick had stopped and walked right into his back.

"Watch it." He growled at me, as I took a step back and stood next to his side. However, I caught myself feeling a little sad after I realised that Patrick probably didn't even care that I really dreaded going inside of the sewers. He is my boyfriend.. he is supposed to be caring and affectionate.. but he's Patrick Hockstetter - and he isn't caring and affectionate. My mind argued with me as I pressed my lips together and furrowed my eyebrows again. "What's wrong?" He asked blankly, as he tugged on my coat sleeve. I then felt his eyes fall onto my distressed expression on my face.

"I just-. You know what, it doesn't matter." I refused to make eye-contact and looked down at my black bomber boots as anouther gust of wind hit my face and blew my hair around.

"It's ok." I felt Patrick awkwardly snake his long arms around me, but it started to feel normal as he leaned in closer to the hug. "Because I'll protect you from the evil monsters!" He smirked as he grabbed my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine and started walking towards the sewers.

I started to tense up a little as we got closer and closer, the whole getting bigger, blacker, deeper and the trickling sound turning into a small waterfall noise. I took a big breath in and out and that's when me and Patrick entered the sewage pipe. I whimpered a little at how dark it was, but I started to feel more easy as I felt Patrick rub the back of my hand with his thumb.

"See it's not that bad in here." He said actually sounding concerned this time. I huffed and looked around at the darkness before Patrick slowly unwrapped his fingers around mine and reached into his coat pocket for what he liked to call hims flamethrower. "Just try not to fall over." He giggled as he shoved me a little, actually causing me nearly to fall over.

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