Pillow Fights

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Stanley Uris

"Stop.." He would moan at you as you hit your pillow gently against him.

"Make me." You would grin at him.

He'd get up and take your pillow out of your hands and fling it across the room, before he got his and hit you gently with it.

Ben Hanscom

He'd always start the pillow fights. You'd be lying face down on your bed moaning that you're bored and then feel a pillow hit your back. You'd turn around and see Ben with a pillow in his hands so you'd grab yours and hit him around the head with it. He'd get so obsessed with him winning the fight, if you had food in the room he'd throw it at you aswell.

Beverley Marsh

You'd start it by throwing a pillow at her, and sometimes she'd throw it back. If she was in the mood she would continue this by grabbing one of her own - but if she wasn't she'd lie down on the pillow and pretend to sleep.

"What fun you are." You would sigh if she didn't want to, but it'd always lead to her throwing the pillow back at you and you two having a pillow fight anyway.

Richie Tozier

Richie would always be in the mood for a good pillow fight! Richie would start off by pushing you off the bed, and then pretend to suffocate you as he put the pillow over your face. You'd squeal and grab your own pillow and start hitting him with it as he couldn't stop laughing.

"You ass hole!" You'd shout if he threw the pillow at you too hard and sent you flying off the bed.

Bill Denbrough

The pillow fights would always be gentle because he would get to scared if he hurt you he'd lose you.

"Bill come on.. you're not gonna hurt me." You'd moan if he said he was too afraid to do it.

Although, if he agreed he'd calmly take the pillow and hit you in the side with it whilst you grinned at hit him back with it. In the end it'd always turn out to a weird cuddle session with the pillow in between you both.

Eddie Kaspbrak

He loved to have pillow fights, but it'd always lead to him losing his inhaler and panicking.

"Where did my inhaler go? Oh god.. what if I can't find it .. I'm going to die!" He would panic and frantically look around the room for it.

"Eddie it's fine, you won't die just stay calm." You'd moan as he would stop the fun by panicking about his inhaler. "Oh look, it's right where you left it dumbo!" You would laugh when you found it on his bedside table and would then continue your pillow fight.

Mike Hanlon

He didn't really like to have pillow fights that often, but when he did he'd make sure not to hurt you but would always end up hurting himself.

"Woah, you ok?" You'd laugh when he wen't to hit you but missed and fell off the bed.

"Yeah." He'd rub his forehead and pick himself up off the ground, before unexpectedly throwing the pillow at you as you laughed and threw it back and continued your fight.

Henry Bowers

"Fuck off.. you're disturbing me." He'd moan as he would be resting on his bed. You wouldn't listen and kept hitting him in the head with your pillow. "Right that's it." He'd grab his pillow so fast that you wouldn't see it come close to your face and bash you right in the nose.

It'd be rough, but you'd like it alot because it shows that he's not acting so distant. However, if he hurt you too bad he'd stop and help you before lying back down and saying that he is apparently too tired to continue. But secretly he wasn't tired, he just didn't want to hurt you even more.

Patrick Hockstetter

"I dare you to hit me with that one more time." He'd threaten you as you rolled your eyes playfully and whacked it across his head even harder than before. "You asked for it." He'd grin sneakily and whack you across the head with it. You'd fall back and narrow your eyes before you flung yourself ontop of him and started beating him with the pillow. "OK STOP!" He'd shout, but his voice would crack which made him embarrassed but you die with laughter.

Victor Criss

Victor would always like to pillow fight with you. You'd start off by making a pillow fort in your bedroom and then he'd tear it down and start playfully hitting you with the pillow, before you'd start getting more aggressive and start making snorting noises and flung multiple pillows at him.

Belch Huggins

Belch hated pillow fights because he'd always end up almost suffocating you with his pillow by accident. He'd get so carried away that he wouldn't realise that he'd hurt you, but you'd both laugh at it in the end - but he would always still feel bad.

Pennywise (again for jokes hehe)

He'd get carried away he'd end up eating you. The end. Rest in peace Y/N.

* * *

I decided to add Victor and Belch, so I hope you are all happy. Please tell me if there is anyone else you want to add (from the IT cast obviously though).

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