Henry Bowers (HALLOWEEN SPECIAL) | 1990&2017

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Thanks to user32160008

You watched from your bedroom window all of the children of Derry walk excitedly up and down your street, knocking at doors and filling their baskets up with all types of candy. The sky was starting to get dark and gloomy - the same as your feelings, as you sighed on how everyone was having fun and getting FREE candy. You still feeling miserable on how your mother had grounded you for picking on your younger brother (who was out trick or treating) you slumped down onto your bed and just listened to the laughter of the children. Your eyes started to feel groggy as your mind drifted off to sleep - before that relaxation was broken by multiple pebbles hitting against your window.

"Ugh." You moaned in annoyance as you opened the window and poked your head outside of it. Your eyes wandered around on the ground below you before you spotted the person who had been throwing the pebbles at your window. "Henry, what the fuck?" You whispered out to him, his grin growing wider and wider. 

"Come on! You're missing out Y/N.. get your ass down here!" He whispered and shouted at the same time. I rolled my eyes and put my gaze on the children walking around my street, before I put it back on Henry and bit the inside of my cheek.

"I would but I'm grounded. Plus I can't just sneak out, my mum is downstairs and she'd hear me for sure!" I told him. I heard him sigh and he started to wander around a little before coming back to my window with anouther one of his grins smacked across his face.

"You can squeeze through your kitchen window. Now hurry up!" I didn't argue with him, I just nodded my head and agreed to what he said to do.

I opened my bedroom door hoping my mum didn't hear me and made my way to the stairs. I placed my foot on one step and then realised that I'd have to wear shoes aswell.. which where by the front door. I gulped and continued in my steps down the stairs. Finally I had made it downstairs without my mum noticing, I sighed and headed to get my shoes. I turned around to find that they luckily weren't by the front door, but in the kitchen. Thank god. With the shoe situation out of the way, I slipped on the white plimsolls and headed to the window where I saw Henry waiting on the other side. I reached out for the latch and successfully unlocked it, feeling the breezy cold air on my face. I crawled ontop of the counter and started to wriggle through the small space, with Henry grabbing onto me so I didn't fall.

I sighed happily, knowing that I had finally snuck out of my house without my mother hearing a single peep.

"Took you a while." Henry stated, before he stood me up straight. I rolled my eyes at him and grabbed his hand before taking him down my driveway. I looked around to which house to go to first before realising that I didn't have a costume... but who said you needed to visit a house to get sweets?

"Look!" I said, pointing to the losers club in the distance as they where walking away from a house. I heard Henry giggle as I started dragging them towards the losers. "Let's just grab what we can and run." I told him, I turned my head around and he nodded his head in agreement.

Without saying a word, we both started sneaking up behind them. I also managed to hear what they where talking about - this weird clown person they'd been seeing. Although, their conversation was broken as me and Henry grabbed their bags filled with the sugary goodness. I heard them all shout at us, before me and Henry sprinted off to gods knows where without turning back around.

"That was easy." I panted, still running through long grass with Henry by my side.

It looked like we where in the middle of a meadow, although I couldn't make it out exactly since it was dark and gloomy and the only light source we had was the moon - which was still pretty dark. Henry and I finally came to a stop and where gasping for air as we had been running pretty fast.

it imagines. | 1990-2017Where stories live. Discover now