Christmas special day 19

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Carlisle POV:

I walked into Elizabeths room to see her not there. My eyes widened in panic and I ran to the others. 

"Have any of you seen Elizabeth today?" I asked, rushed.
"No, why? Is everything alright carlisle?" Rose asked.
"She's not in her room." I said.

Everyone stood up and looked at me. Alice and Rose collapsed into Emmett and Jaspers arms. Esme walked up to me and clung to my arm. Edward and Bella pulled Rennesmee close to them.

"Where would she be?" Bella asked.
"She obviously didn't go on her own. She doesn't leave without any of us knowing." Jasper explained.
"So your saying she was taking?" edward asked.
jasper looked down. All the girls sobbed into their mates.

Elizabeth POV:

I opened my eyes to see that I wasn't in my room. I tried to sit up only to realise that I was tied down.
"what the" I muttered.

"Well well well, look who's finally awake."
I turned to the door to see the one person I never wanted to see again.
"Did ya miss me?" He asked opening his arms.

Unknown POV:

I opened the door to where dear sweet helpless little Elizabeth was tied. I smirked seeing her struggling against the ropes.

"Well well well, look who's awake." I stated.
She turned and looked at me in fear.
"Miss me?" I asked stretching my arms open.

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